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Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side Sprites
If you are using Photobucket, you need to check your upload settings. If posting a large resolution image, you must set your upload settings to 1 megabyte file size limit. If posting a large file sized image, you can set to any size resolution limit.

I have an image in my album almost 3000 pixels tall that is not resized due to being uploaded under the 1 megabyte size limit.
And an animated GIF over 1 megabyte in size also not resized because it was uploaded under a resolution setting it was no where close to exceeding.

You can use Imageshack if you want. But at least keep in mind to change your upload settings if you have a Photobucket account.

Also, that "window thing"(?) along the right center count be placed into two rows to cut the horizontal size a bit. Hard to tell what the level is supposed to look like, but what little I can make out, it looks promising so far.
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side Sprites - by xdonthave1xx - 12-09-2010, 07:38 PM

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