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Why Do You like Your Favorite Game?
viewtfiul joe 1 and 2

because, for one thing, literally every aspect was well made and memorable: unique story, well made and appealing graphics, and catchy music. but the gameplay is especially great. i love a good 2d beat-em-up, but they're usually pretty one-dimensional, either being straight up button mashing or button mashing with some fancy special moves thrown in. viewtiful joe has a combat system which is unlike anything else i have ever played, but doesn't feel unrefined or lacking at all. it is exactly the kind of game you think of when the phrase "easy to learn, tough to master" comes up. on easy mode its easy just to use a few simple moves and breeze through enemies, but on higher difficulties learning the nuances becomes essential and, ultimately, a lot more satisfying. nothing makes you feel badass like dodging a really long combo from an enemy and then tearing through a field of them while punching out a helicopter. also i thought 2 was just as good as 1, even if sylvia was completely useless 90% of the time, it had way better music, and the final boss kicked way more ass than in the first game.
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RE: Why Do You like Your Favorite Game? - by tsr moderation staff - 09-27-2010, 06:30 PM
RE: Why Do You like Your Favorite Game? - by Alex - 10-03-2010, 12:40 AM
RE: Why Do You like Your Favorite Game? - by Key - 05-04-2011, 07:24 AM

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