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Technique Question - Modular Spriting
-3D models can help determine things at different angles. Most of the time though, you'd be using models of big objects like, as you have shown, ships and robots and what not. They'd help with background, but like Spriting, you need skill to handle the 3D modeling. It can be harder than spriting, so it's better to use what you're more comfortable with.

-Most of the time, as you have shown, the models are traced over into sprites, so it'd still take a long time. The 3D model can look out of place unless it's all 3D(lie Shadow Complex) or the background is 3D (like Stafy 4). It's best not to combine sprites with models. It's easier to make out of the engine. Try using Graphicsgale or some program that handles .gifs and is easy to sprite with.
[Image: FmY9K.jpg]

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RE: Technique Question - Sprite Models - by Proton - 09-17-2010, 07:33 PM

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