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A 3 Paragraph Essay I Had To Write About Myself For English Class
There's Something About Kori by Kori Fleming

What is the importance of man in the universal scale of things? Do we, as human beings, have any real impact on the galaxy? The truth is: we don't and we never will. We are but a tiny grain of sand in this vast galactic ocean. Forever we will strive to make an impact of importance, but forever we will fail. I am but an atom in this grain of sand, forever floating, forever living, and forever dying.

Regardless of my lack of universal impact, I try to make my global impact all the more important. Sure, in the end we all die, but that just makes our time on Earth all the more monumental; We must leave our mark on society for future generations to learn from. Even the absolute worst people in history (Hitler, Genghis Khan, etc.) have taught our species very valuable lessons. We are forever evolving, forever adapting, and forever understanding. In theory we will probably never fully evolve or fully understand everything, but as our knowledge grows, as our species expands, we will become more and more important in the global scheme of things.

I don't expect to be the next Einstein or the next Bill Gates. My only hope in life is that I will make some sort of significant impact on the world; Something that will make our society grow and advance. Evolve. I'm 17 years old, I have absolutely no idea where I'm headed in life. Regardless of how intelligent someone my age is, or how well they do in school, I strongly believe none of us have a clue what we truely want to do with our lives. Inspiration constantly changes who we are; One day we want to be a doctor, the next we want to be an astronaut. At this point in life, I don't even know who I am. The most I could tell you is: I'm Kori Fleming and I want to change the world.

just thought id share because i pretty much bullshitted half of it
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A 3 Paragraph Essay I Had To Write About Myself For English Class - by GaryASPG - 09-16-2010, 05:30 AM

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