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Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
It stood for Enhanced Graphics Adapter and was pretty much a really old display standard for computers that would display something 16 colors at a time, which was pretty impressive when it first came out. You can see it in games like Commander Keen, Bio Menace, etc. EGA only had around 16 colors used at a time, making for lower quality sprites compared to the other display standard used in Eye of the Beholder, which I'm assuming is VGA (which came after EGA and was used in games like Wolfenstein which had much more color, detail, and higher resolution), but I'm not a huge expert on the subject, so I'm likely wrong. Wikipedia probably has some better informed things to say about it here than I do.
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RE: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder - by Dunkelschwamm - 08-07-2010, 06:01 PM

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