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Tom Guycott's Toybox
Okay, no actual sprites yet, but I'm weighing my options between two things I could attempt to sprite, one of which being sprites for a fangame sequel to Cocoron that I've been dreaming up... Haha, dream humor. Cocoron... dreams... yeah.

But anyway, I was sketching the other day and came up for an idea for a new villain character, whose name and design I have yet to fully flesh out, but here is a digital sketch I whipped up tonight (pardon me for having very sketchy digital art, I work better transferring traditional to digital, but I have no scanner).

[Image: ringcat.png]

I'm just tossing this sketch out to get any opinions on his design that I can. But first I'll give some notes about what I've been devising his character traits to be like. I'd have written them down, but my handwriting is atrocious enough, and if I had done it on a tablet... trust me, I'm doing you a favor. xD

0. Explanation of Cocoron:
-Cocoron was an NES game not released in the US. The gameplay style was that of action platforming. You made several heroes composed of different heads, bodies and weapons, allowing you to make unique-looking combinations. Different heads and bodies even had different life and weight values, as well as special abilities like flying bodies, changing the gameplay based on what you picked.

-The storyline is simply that you are in a dream world, and your hero characters are representations of you. Many of the worlds and enemies are rather odd, and many of the enemies, including the final boss, are animals or based on animals.

1. Character explanations:
-The character appears as the first major antagonist in the game I plan to make, using magic to force the player into a state that he can't wake up from, forcing him to continue his dream until he can get free from the spell. He is a lackey of another antagonist revealed around the same time, but has his own agenda
-The personality is that of a well-humored, well-mannered, but devious salesman. He is evil at heart, and has big plans for himself despite his loyalties to his employer.

2. Potential Names:
-Ringcat, Ring-Cat, Ring Cat
-Tail of Stripes
(There are a lot of cat-related names, but he looks nothing like a cat. xD)

3. Sketch Explanations
-The most prominent sketch is of the design I liked the most. The others are just alternate heads and palettes I thought up. The palettes I put little to no thought into.
-The feet sketches show little paws, exaggerated claws and shoes, between which I can't decide. I also can't decide if his suit should be less over-the-top with the frills
-The long neck thing in the upper right corner is an example of an attack I want him to do, where he suddenly turns into a serpent-like form and flies around at the player like a dragon, leaving his coat empty. He then rushes back into it and fills it back up again afterwards.
-The tail rotation with the arrows in the lower left corner shows the way he appears on the scene. His tail spins around in one direction and he appears behind the tail as it spins, if that makes sense.

So that's it, more or less. Just wanted some opinions before I went on to spriting something. To be honest, I'm not in love with the palette, because the blue and the pink harks back a little too much to Tapir from the actual Cocoron game. I've been pondering other palettes, but I have yet to decide on anything.
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Messages In This Thread
Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 12-19-2009, 02:38 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Alpha Six - 12-19-2009, 02:42 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 12-19-2009, 02:44 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Vipershark - 12-19-2009, 02:45 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 12-19-2009, 02:49 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Ravecat - 12-19-2009, 03:19 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 01-15-2010, 10:02 PM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 01-16-2010, 01:09 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Vic - 01-16-2010, 12:50 PM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Dolphman - 01-16-2010, 03:30 PM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Ton - 01-17-2010, 12:05 PM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 01-19-2010, 12:40 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by [robo9] - 01-19-2010, 12:49 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by TomGuycott - 01-19-2010, 10:17 AM
RE: Tom Guycott's Toybox - by Crappy Blue Luigi - 01-19-2010, 04:15 AM

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