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My First Tileset, Tell Me What You Think
LilGrim1991- thank you, the grey road took forever. I think darkening the faces of the buildings would work, but i dont want it to be too dark. would lightening the rooftops work just as well?
And yes, the barrel isnt symmetrical. when working with 16x16 i usually hit that problem. I'll tweak it a bit, but symmetry isnt too important with the barrel for me. I'll fix the plants as much as i can, but I'm trying to stick to a more vague look with the small plants. plants have so many little leaves and twigs, i have trouble making them detailed. I'll change the colors and look at some examples from other games and life and see what i can't do.
And yeah, i can difintely fix that dark line thing, thank you for pointing that out

Badassbill- I admit, MLUnsureS backgrounds are gorgeous, but the style is something i'm afraid to get into. I'll take a look and make some changes, though.

Zee- In physical terms, most aspects of this tileset seem improbable. I do have a legitimate excuse for the stairs however: i want the game to be a grid-locked game, and the steepness makes that alot easier to execute.
This is my grandson. You two have been rivals since you were babies. ...What's his name again?
Oh yeah, Gary. Sorry, my memory hasn't been the same since I got addicted to Crystal Meth.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: My First Tileset, Tell Me What You Think - by 2ndLtHavoc - 08-04-2008, 06:40 PM

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