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PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC
nope..still didnt work..oh well, i can figure out that later,
its just a Chao sprite i stole from coty lol, so i can make this NPC solid for now
We can move the dialog boxes however we want whenever the time comes, but if there is going to be a fullscreen/widescreen option for the game, i figured to just make the dialog boxes relative to the person talking(eg, in this case, and in usual general, right above them).

The Chao ARE the same object, i made it that way to test out something before i was done with it, they are independent from one another either way though(except for the depth, but that doesnt matter atm)..

collision stuff is just bad atm because i'm a very lazy person sometimes lol..
and i wont really need a break lol, but i'll wait for you to tell ur buddies Wink

EDIT: (lol idk if u noticed, but i was offline for 8 or 10 hours..i went to sleep XD ..i'm wide awake now and bored...nothin to do but this)
EDIT:EDIT: re-download it again..did a little more percise with the collisions, and you can go behind the other 2 buildings correctly now,
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Messages In This Thread
RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - by Kira. - 07-09-2009, 10:22 AM

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