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PRIMAL MORON's pokemon mystery dungeon mugshots... (cancelled, just lock...)
fine, i'll put them in creativiy...
becuase otherwise i'll keep getting burned...
this is the only forum i've seen that does this to me...
i try to be nice, and everyone else kicks me in the crotch for it...
is this what you want me to remember about tSR?
and it's habit that i write like this...
if you don't like it...
KEEP YOUR RESPONSES TO YOURSELF, becuase this is getting really old really fast...
i'm not scared to report you for flaming me...
you've offered hardly any help whatsoever...
once agian, thanx for the warm welcome...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: PRIMAL MORON's pokemon mystery dungeon mugshots... (being restarted...) - by PRIMAL MORON - 06-01-2009, 09:10 PM

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