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Mozzy's Challenge #1: NES Fighter Sprite

NES Fighter Sprite Challenge!

I challenge everyone (skill level doesn't matter), more than two people please!

The challenge is:
Pixel any video game character from NES ONLY in a fighting game pose/style sprite using a palette from here:
You are required to use 3 or more of the colors from the palette you used, not counting including BG color.

Size: 150x150 is the max (Animations must be kept within the 150x150 size restrictions)
Animation: Not required but would be awesome.
Submission rules: You have to link to the palette you used.
Due Date: By Saturday 12 amGMT of next week, or until everybody who entered has finished.
Transparency: No
Additonal: You can't use "modified forms" of characters that didn't appear in the NES game, for example, you can't sprite Phazon Suit Samus or make Pit's incarnation in Brawl since he didn't look like that in the NES game. You also can't use weapons that didn't appear in their original forms either.

I don't recommend using a style of an existing game cause thats kind of boring, though you can if you want.

Remember, you don't have to go by NES restrictions, just characters.

x Mozzy
_ Cshad
x Robo9
xx Gorsal
x Quizzle
x Tyvon
_ Vipershark
xx Solink
x EdpR
x Vidgameguy
xxx Shawn
xx Metaru
_ Superkirby
x Shadodth117
x Omega
_ Kao
_ Ville
xx Star
x Don'thaveone
x Lucasolivarde
x 1up
x Otherwhitemeat
x Josepseraph
x Lemon
x SSBkid
x Diagolesu

First Place:
Second Place:
Third Place:
Thanked by:

Messages In This Thread
Mozzy's Challenge #1: NES Fighter Sprite - by mozzy - 04-18-2009, 01:52 PM

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