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Assorted Requests for Darkgrievous
I will probably be making a lot of these, and it made more sense to me to just put them all on one thread, than burden the requests section with SEVERAL individual request threads. Hope this isn't a problem?

My first request is a tileset for Worldbuilder, a LEGO game developed by Gamelab (company now does not exist) for Macromedia (now Adobe) Shockwave

See [attached]

Earlier, my friend extracted some assets directly from the game file at my request.
The extracted assets are the tiles used in the game.
Later, I asked him to dump the prehistoric world menu.


My original plan was to just tile-rip it using the originals as a selection mask.
Well, that wouldn't work! That file was at some point, given jpg compression
Ok, so maybe I could re-sprite them?
nope! different dimensions, too

So, here's my request.

[refer my style guide]
prehistory world map elements:
  • A - Firstly, I want an entire column of that re-sprited, at the in-game tile dimensions , the colors must match this example, beware the foggy effects! i want pretty solid blocks of color for the stone/dirt
  • B - the lava tiles can utilize a brighter orange like this, and i wouldn't mind if there's some transition from this orange to the highly saturated red
  • C - the lava tiles (or some) MUST use this red, and the stone to lava transition also must match this example
  • D , E, F - if possible, all these tree-topped grassy tiles would be nice, ina ddition to the swampy version in figure A.
my inspiration guide:
  • 1 - the top layer, obviously there'd be more texture, since the stone layers have dirt in-between
  • 2 - lava with obsidian on top, would be nice to see fiery cracks
  • 3 - stone to lava transitional, stone layer should probably be thicker
  • 4 - exposed lava , some animated bubbles would be a nice plus
  • 5 - lava with some obsidian clumps/rocks, some variations of this would be nice, like jagged spikes
  • 6 - exposed stone, not really required, but i'd be interesting to see what can be done with it
now, as for file format requirements:
  • transparent, single-layer png with all of the tiles on it.
  • layered .pdn
  • layered .psd, but MUST be photoshop CS3 compatible
  • at least one of these must be provided, I'd really prefer a layered master file to make later tweaks if I wish, but it's not required
distribution requirements:
  • preferably attached here if it's just an image (unless too large)
  • preferably a file-hosting service for .pdn or .psd
  • emailing is an option, in which case i'll PM you such information
  • can also be submitted to dA if you prefer
  • credits must mention this was my request
  • original art is by Gamelab, NY
  • can mention yourself/your accounts as an artist for the new tiles
  • for now, i want people to ask me permission to use these, but I almost certainly will change this, given it's a totally non-commercial project/request.
I hope that is clear enough?
In case there's even a slight imperfection with my styleguide, see the following link for the original tile dumps.
They're in bmp format, but that's ok, that's how they were stored in-game... just delete the white backgrounds, which are a separate rgb value from any white pixels on the actual tiles.


If there are any questions/comments/concerns, you're more than welcome to ask/mention, or contact me about them.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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I guess I'll just add a new request here.

Another thing I need is a converter to either XML, or JSON, for the Adobe Shockwave "preferences" format.
I think that's what it's called?

The only thing I can find for dealing with these files is Shockwave/Director.
Seeing as I want to maybe port, or provide the necessary data/files to port some of these games, someday...
I need something that converts these to a will-known, and easy format to work with.

1 -Must be compatible on older computers, at least far back as Windows XP
2 -Ideally, easy to recompile, or based on a scripting language , like JavaScript. safest bet is to use JavaScript.
2.b --Whatever is used, it must not require an additional download/plugin/whatever of any kind, so no Python and such.
3 -load from file, or paste contents from file into a textbox
4 -save to new file, or copy contents from a text area
5 -if file-saving is implemented, make sure it saves file with correct extension, assuming both export formats are used.
5.b --preferably, JSON is the format to export, not that I hate XML, but I want something that's more compact, and is EXTREMELY easy to read in JavaScript, especially. (I can manually read/write XML, not so much programmatically, whereas JSON just becomes a object/'associative array', which is VERY easy to access/manipulate)

That should be everything

example data/file:
ignore the curly braces, it's something i forgot to delete, when i exported these, i saved them all to one .txt file, and sandwiched the individual entries between <their actual filename>{ }
The curly braces are not part of the data!
sorry if that's caused any confusion!
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Because of the amount of time taken to still not hear a reply, I have gone ahead and taken my own shot at the first requested item as of a few days ago.

it's still not done, and people are still welcome to take a shot at this, but [attached] is one of the tiles I've created...

Have to ask my permission for the time being to use it
And I'd prefer credit even if it's just used as a reference

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I just typed what I wanted and then closed the tab...
crappy re-rype is a go...

Mira Yurizaki from Dimension W.
1. fullbody pixel art, must accommodate a pretty decent 90x90 pixel headshot.
2. no anti-aliasing, except maybe for the shading and highlights, but avoid it altogether if possible.
3. somewhere from 32 - 256 colors, hard to explain why so picky, besides unknown style goal I just can't explain. If it really becomes a problem, disregard this entirely.
4. No particulars about clothing, aside from don't do anything that covers her antenna
5. The pose and perspective just need to look, i guess, not boring? I am partial to any form of parallel projection or orthographic views, though. 3/4 or front are probably best bets.
6. nothing fancy with the outlines, solid black is probably the best bet. Line thickness is debate-able, if a single thickness can be used and still look pretty good, please do that.

If someone fulfills this for me, I will credit them where I use it, and one place is already in mind. Those specific head shot dimensions are basically for a user avatar on a certain site I've mentioned enough, already, lol. Besides that, it'd be greatly appreciated

Hopefully this is not too much to ask?
And sorry if I'm less than clear. My biggest problem with art trades or requests is usually not fulfilling one, so much as making one. I just can't quite put into any words or diagrams what in the hell I want. Half the time, I can't make my mind up at all.
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