Okay everyone. Break time's over! I hope you are all enjoying my original ninja story: Haiku's Quest, which can be found in this section under a different post. For those of you who don't know I was asked to write an original story since people were getting sick of this one. In fact I was asked, and I quote, " In the name of Allah, do something original!" Well, who am I to disappoint Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Shiva, and to some; nobody, or any of you for that matter? So I took a breather from this, wrote something fun and original, and was able to gather my thoughts to bring you all my latest chapter. So without further ado here is:
Chapter 6: Galactic Space Battle:
We see an object whiz by and strike Samus's ship.
Zelda: Oh what now?
Another object pelts the ship.
Peach: Eek! Look out Samus.
Andross boss battle music plays. We now see the original polygon version of Andross show up. It's spitting out polygonal squares that are now pelting Samus's ship from all directions. Her ship is in critical now.
Samus: What in the world is that thing?
Zelda: I don't know, but I think that thing means business you guys.
Samus: Well so do I. Hang on.
Samus uses a built in laser system to fire a ray that blasts the polygon squares to bits. As Samus does her best to fight off Andross we see the Star Fox crew heading to her aid.
Fox: Receiving transmission now R.O.B. Okay gang we've got a distress signal to answer.
Falco: Playing hero again, eh Fox?
Slippy: Be quiet Bird Brain. Someone needs our help.
Peppy: Get to it Fox!
Fox: Ai ai! General Peppy!
Fox: There's our target. Let's get to that ship.
Peppy: R.O.B. is setting coordinates now.
Slippy: Hold it everyone. I'm detecting some sort of force field barrier.
Peppy: Slippy's right. Your path is blocked. You'll have to find another way to reach that ship.
Falco: Hmph. Piece of cake.
The team successfully passes through the force field.
Slippy: We made it! Now too rescue that ship!
Now we see the inside of Samus's ship.
Luigi: Luigi speaks.
Yoshi: Yoshi!
Zelda: What in the world?
Peach: Samus where did all those ships come from?
Fox: This is Fox, commander of Team Star Fox. Do you copy? Over.
Samus: We copy. We could use your help. Over!
Fox: Uh oh! Bad news! Andross is on my radar. That's who's been attacking that ship.
Peppy: Are you sure?
Falco: No way! I thought we blew’im too bits last time.
Peppy: Fox. This doesn't look good. Get out of there!
Fox: What's your current status? Over.
Samus: All passengers are unharmed and ship is still operational. Over.
Fox: Roger that. Your ship is taking a beating from Andross. Get yourselves to safety. We'll handle it from here. Okay everyone. Keep it together. Things are about to get ugly.
Team Star Fox eventually defeats the polygonal side of Andross. However he won't go down that easy...
Andross: Argg! You've defeated my greatest weapon!
As the polygon form of Andross explodes, a polygonal shard hits Samus's ship sending it into a tailspin near an energy field.
Fox: No! That ship!
Slippy: Nooooo!
Falco: Blast there goes our bounty.
Slippy: Don't be so insensitive Falco. We've failed to rescue that ship.
ROB 64: This is indeed an unfortunate set of events.
Andross: (Evil laugh!) You may have defeated my weapon but no matter. I'll destroy you all myself.
The Star Fox Team is now in action once again shooting at Andross. Will our heroes conquer his ape form?
Slippy: Fox look! Andross has recovered.
Peppy: Fox! What will you do now?
Fox: I'll take the fight to him even harder. Andross must pay for what he did to that ship.
Falco: You're going down this time Andross.
Peppy: Careful Falco. Don't get too close.
Falco: Meh! I can take'im.
Slippy: I'll cover you Falco.
Things aren't looking good for our heroes. They might not pull through. If only someone from the their past could intervine and lend them a helping hand...
ROB 64: Detecting a another pilot ion the area. Scanning for identity now in progress.
Krystal: Hi guys need a hand?
Slippy: Krystal! Hey everyone Krystal has joined the frey!
Peppy: How are you Krystal?
Krystal: I'm fine. Thank you. I…
Falco: Hey! Hey! Can the introductions for now. We're in the middle of a battle here!
Fox: Falco's right. Let's finish this! Oh and Krystal?
Krystal: Yes Fox?
Fox: It's good to… have you back on the team.
Krystal: Good to be here.
Andross: Oh good. A happy reunion. Now I can crush all my enemies at once!
Krystal: Dream on Andross.
Andross:You can't escape!
an epic battle ensues and drags on. However with the timely entrance of Krystal the Star Fox team is able to overwhelm Andross and he is ultimately defeated...
Andross: What!
Defeated? By the likes of you? This can't beeeeee!
Huge Explosion...
Slippy: We did it!
Falco: Mission complete.
Krystal: Good job everyone!
Falco: Well that's a wrap. Right Fox?... Fox?
We see a sad image of Fox he doesn't respond. A moment passes and than...
Fox: Is everyone okay?
(Everyone confirms they are.) Good. I won't lose anyone else today.
Falco: Fox are you still upset about that ship? There was nothing we could do. We…
Fox: Arrived too late. We didn't arrive fast enough. And as a result some innocent bystanders were hurt. We've defeated Andross, but this is a hallow victory. In the end he won. He won…all because I didn't react fast enough. Those people, whoever they were paid the ultimate price.
Slippy: Fox we're really sorry.
Peppy: Fox you all tried your best to…
Fox: It's alright. It's just… I wish we could've saved them. That
I could have saved them. Because of me they ended up like...
my father.
Peppy: Oh Fox…
Everyone is deeply saddened...
Krystal: Fox. Listen to me. I know you. I'm sure it wasn't your fault. I know you must've done everything you could to save that ship.
Fox: I… just wish… I wish they were okay. Their ship flew into that force filed. Perhaps… no. It's unlikely. Still I wish I knew for sure…
As Fox dwells on what might have been an old rival from the past suddenly appears...
Wolf: Well now. What brings you into our neck of the woods, hm?
Fox: Wolf!
Slippy: Not you guys again!
Leon: Missss usss much bird brain?
Falco: Oh you guys are so…
Krystal: Keep your cool Falco.
Panther: You should listen to the little lady. She is most wise.
Krystal: Panther!
Panther: Hello Mon siere. It has been quite ze while since our paths crossed az eet not?
Wolf: Come on Fox. Think you can keep up?
Fox: Now's not the time for this game Wolf.
Wolf: What's the matter? Scared?
Krystal: Fox. Don't listen to him. He's just trying to bait you.
Peppy: Fox. I have a bad feeling about this.
Fox: Let's do this.
So once again our heroes are forced to do battle. This time with Team Star Wolf...
Fox: This ends now wolf!
Leon: Ha ha! Catch us if you can punks!
Falco: Oh I intend to.
Wolf: You Falco? You squawk too much!
Falco: Why you flea bitten piece of…
Wolf: Flea bitten? Ha! I will be the one to take you down. Play time is over Team Fox.
An inevitable battle occurs between the two factions. Though evenly matched it would be Team Star Fox who comes out on top today...
Fox: Had enough Wolf?
Wolf: Bah! I've wasted enough time toying with the likes of you Fox.
Falco: Not so tough now are ya fleabag?
Wolf: Grr. All units move out. We're done here!
Leon: What! You would have usss retreat to Ssstar Foxxx?
Panther: Discretion is the better part of valor. It is always better to live and to love another day.
Krystal: So passionate.
Panther: Krystal my darling. Forget these… uncultured folk. Come and fly away with me on a ship of love. We shall make ze beautiful muzik togezer. Like old times. No?
Krystal: Sorry Panther. My place is with Team Star Fox now. This is my life now.
Panther: Ah mon scerie. You would throw away ze good times for zis?
Krystal: Panther… I… Look Panther. We had some really good times but… it won't work out.
Falco: In other words beat it you
Panther: So. Panther is shot down again eh? Well I suppose it was better to have loved and to have lost than to never have loved at all. Oh well. Sigh.
Krystal: Panther.
(she sounds upset)
Wolf: Pipe down the lotta ya. We've got bigger fish to fry.
Falco: And what's that supposed to mean?
Panther: It means we're off to collect a large bounty. A bounty that would buy dozens of roses for a lady as fair as Krystal.
Krystal: Oh Panther. You're so romantic. Sigh.
Fox: Alright Wolf. What's this
so-called large bounty that Panther's talking about?
Leon: Hss. Get real Fox! Like Wolf would ever tell you that Team Star Wolf will be handsomely rewarded if we can successfully turn in the fugitive
Octoman. Ulp! I mean… uh… you didn't hear that Fox.
Wolf: Silence, you fool! Alright Fox. Here's the deal. For a hefty price we've agreed to bring in Octoman, but we've had some trouble locating him. Even when we do find him I'm sure I don't have to tell you how dangerous it'll be to take him down. If, however; we had an extra scout team to help us in our search and to be there just in case something did go wrong we know for a fact we can successfully capture him. Seeing as how your team fights for justice in the galaxy I'm sure you would want this dangerous fugitive taken into custody. It seems as though are two teams share a common enemy. We have different motives, yet we seek the same outcome. It is only natural than…
Falco: Oh I get it. You want to team up? Ha! The
mighty Team Star Wolf seeking help from rivals Team Star Fox. Well you can forget it pal. Fox would never join the likes of you Wolf!
Wolf: I do believe I was addressing your commander. Butt your big beak out of others' affairs feather brain.
Falco: Feather brain? Who you calling feather brain you flea-bitten piece of…
Fox: Falco! That's enough.
Falco: Fox! You seriously can't be considering…
Fox: I said enough! We should at least hear what Wolf has to say before making any rash decisions. Alright Wolf. You have my attention. I'm listening.
Wolf: Oh you're listening are you? Well than listen good Fox! We're not friends. Team Star Wolf would never ask for help from the likes of you and your rag-tag band of half wits. I just figured that you of all people Fox would know how elusive and dangerous Octoman can be. But I suppose if your not up to the task or if this matter is to much of a challenge for you and your crew I guess Team Star Wolf shall have to do this alone. Of course not only do we get to enjoy such a generous bounty; but we get to prove to everyone who the best team in the galaxy really is. I'll enjoy watching your reputation go up in flames Fox. As I said before I will be the one to take you down.
Falco: You ever hear you lore more flies with honey than you do vinegar Wolf?
Wolf: Ah Falco. While I've come to admire your fighting spirit; much more than your captain's I must say, I do believe Team Star Wolf has the upper hand. We only care about the bounty. Your Team supposedly believes in justice. So now that we know where we stand, will you join us or not?
Leon: Hss. I object! Us join forces with Team Star Fox? I'd rather die than…
Wolf: I didn't ask you! I'm the commander in charge now zip it!
( Transmission is temporarily cut off. We now see the inside of Team Star Wolf's ship) Leon. Panther. I need you two to trust me. I'm only doing this temporarily. Once we've turned in Octoman and collected our bounty we'll take care of Fox and his motley crew once and for all. Don't worry I have a plan…
( Meanwhile we now see the inside of Team Star Fox's ship.)
Falco: I don't like it one bit Fox. I'm tell'in ya their up to something. Plus. You heard what he said about us; about you.
Slippy: Falco's right. We can't trust them Fox.
ROB 64: Success of capturing fugitive Octoman alone:
40%. Success of capturing fugitive Octoman collaborating with Team Star Wolf:
83.9%. Analysis shows odds aligning with rivals improves rate of success exponetiinally. Confirmed data indicates team Star Wolf to be a boon rather than a hindrance. Formation of Team Star Wolf and Team Star Fox collaborating on objective is critical to success of the objective. However, past data indicates Team Star Wolf to be most uncooperative. Factored in the
% of overall success of both teams collaborating is still
83.9%. There is a
16.1% chance of mission failure resulting in a stand off between both teams.
Peppy: Okay. Thanks ROB. You have a… uh… valid point too. Guess it's up to Fox to decide.
Krystal: We'll support any decision you make commander.
Fox: Thank you Krystal. Alright team I've taken everything you've all had to say into consideration. Now before I make my decision I want to weigh the pros and cons. Now…we're all familiar with Team Star Wolf's shady past. At first the choice would seem clear. Considering all the trouble Team Star Wolf has caused us in the past we won't accept any help from them.
Falco: Yes! I knew you'd make the right decision Fox!
Fox: Hold on Falco. I'm not finished yet.
Ahem. Although my gut instinct tells me not to trust them we've been given a great opportunity that can't be ignored. We should consider joining.
Falco: WHAT!
Fox: We all know the seriousness of this situation. If left free who knows what heinous acts Octoman and his fellow Octorians would commit. Octoman must be brought to justice. Like R.O.B. said there are strength in numbers. Only through unity can we accomplish our goals.
Falco: Yeah… I don't think that old bucket of nuts and bolts said all that.
Fox: Regardless, we can't do this by ourselves. We have a real opportunity here, but we need to sacrifice. That is why I've decided to accept Team Star Wolf's offer to take down this menace once and for all. This alliance is risky, but necessary to ensure peace throughout the galaxy. Plus this alliance is only temporary. Once we bring Octoman to justice we can focus on turning in Wolf and his cronies. If we play our cards just right we may be able to successfully bring down multiple space convicts in one successful sting operation. We work with Team Star Wolf for now, we turn'em in later. Everyone got it?
Falco: I really think you've lost it Fox.
ROB 64: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. An excellent tactic to employ.
Fox: Well said ROB. Alright everyone. I'm going to give our
good friend Wolf the news.
(Fox now sends a signal out to Team Star Wolf.) Team Star Wolf this is Fox, commander of Team Star Fox. Do you read me? Over.
Wolf: Loud and clear Fox. So What's it gonna be? Have we got a deal?
Fox: If you agree to the terms of a truce between our to factions, than we accept.
Wolf: A truce huh?
Snicker. Yes, of course we'll accept a truce. I'm not unreasonable. I'm sure our two factions can work something out.
Fox: All right than it's official. Team we will now aid Team Star Wolf in the capture of the fugitive Octoman. All ships move out.
Slippy: Everyone be careful.
Krystal: Let's all stay close.
Peppy: Get ready everyone.
Falco: I still don't like this one bit.
Leon: Well than. That makes two of us doesn't it?
Panther: Well, well Krystal. Looks like you and Panther have an important date… with destiny I mean.
Krystal: Right. A date… with destiny…
Panther: Just like old times after all eh monsceri?