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Steins;Gate Rips
I'll admit I've uploaded rips as ZIPs before purely out of convenience, but these rips are huge, with the following ZIPs totaling at around 400MB total. I've ripped all the character art and backgrounds. I might do some more of the interface stuff, but this is probably what people would want their hands on the most.

Steins;Gate is a great game, by the way! I suggest everyone give it a go.

[Image: steinsgate_secicon.png]
[Image: icon_kurisu.png][Image: icon_mayuri.png][Image: icon_daru.png][Image: icon_faris.png][Image: icon_suzuah.png][Image: icon_ruka.png][Image: icon_moeka.png][Image: icon_braun.png][Image: icon_nae.png][Image: icon_eisuke.png][Image: icon_shido.png][Image: icon_nakabachi.png][Image: icon_bg.png]
Thanked by: Garamonde
Ah neato! I'm working on getting these up now.

EDIT: Yeah... I was afraid of this. See, the site has a 30MB limit, so... you'll have to find some way to split the ones that are over that size... Very Sad

The ones that are under the limit have been uploaded however.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: Kyougi Ryu
Hmm... alrighty. I'll find a way to split the bigger files up.

EDIT: Dayum. Alright, split the remaining characters into 14 ZIPs and the backgrounds into 15 ZIPs. I'll start uploading them to Mediafire soon, and then will post the links/icons as they get done, ideally.

EDIT 2: Alright, all the backgrounds are up. I'll update the characters when they're all done. I'll also try and make icons as well, though I can't say I'd be upset if you wanted to pitch in :U (If you do, just have the name be the name of the link, the graphics look best resized to 25% when you put them on the icon)

EDIT 3: All the characters are up. I think I'm gonna take a break for now. I'll probably finish the icons for the backgrounds tomorrow if I don't do it tonight.

[Image: icon_kurisu.png][Image: icon_kurisu2.png][Image: icon_mayuri.png][Image: icon_mayuri3.png][Image: icon_mayuri2.png][Image: icon_moeka.png][Image: icon_moeka2.png][Image: icon_faris2.png][Image: icon_faris3.png][Image: icon_faris4.png][Image: icon_faris5.png][Image: icon_ruka2.png][Image: icon_ruka3.png][Image: icon_ruka4.png]

[Image: icon_bg_train.png][Image: icon_bg_moekaapartmenr.png][Image: icon_bg_maidcafe.png][Image: icon_bg_lab.png][Image: icon_bg_farisapartment.png][Image: icon_bg_coinlocker.png]

Radio Tower
Braun TV Shop
RaiNet Tournament
Convention Grounds
Yanagibayashi Shrine
Tennouji Residence
Chapter Titles
Thanked by: Garamonde
Downloading these now. I'll see if I can make a few of the icons a little later. I can't guarantee how good they'll look but I'll try.

EDIT: Okay I've finished downloading them all... I have to admit I kinda went off doing something else after I downloaded the first few, but I've got 'em now. I can't get them all up tonight but I'll try to do a couple. The rest will have to come tomorrow.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
Thanked by: Kyougi Ryu
Updated my previous post with some icons for the backgrounds.

(Also noticed that Maid Queen NyanNyan is actually called May Queen NyanNyan, so the icon has the proper name unlike the link from before. :U)
Thanked by: Garamonde

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