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Sonic Colors BlasterBall [PLAYABLE] [FANGAME]
(I appologies up front for any grammer or spelling errors. The keyboard I'm using has stuck keys or keys that take more effort to get pressed which is making this harder.)

Exclamation I'm having trouble for it won't let me attach the Demo of the Game. Please help Plus the spoiler tags aren't workig.

Ok, This game is a BlasterBall type game using Sonic the hedgehog and the Wisps as PowerUps. This game is made using Game maker 8 which will be obvious once you start it. To see the controls for it press F5.

Also please do not susgest that I use the full version of GM8 or a different program. GM8 is the easiest for me to use and I don't have the money to purchase the full blown version at this time.

There are a few bugs that I mentioned in the help thing on the game but I'll go ahead and restate them here for those who don't download the game. I've taken the Game Information thing a posted it in the following spoiler.

The two main problems I can think of is the fact that the Violet Void can get trapped outside of the border, but once he turnes back he'll be free. and that sometimes the angle of the bounce makes sonic go horizontal. I've made a temerailly solution to that by adding the restart. but I'd like to just prevent it from happening.

Now the song I'm using is a remix to Green Hill zone. I plan on using the songs from Sonic Colors but I need to find them. If you have a way for me to do so please let me know.

also I need a better way to check to see when all the bricks are destroyed.

I also plan on adding the 4 Wii exclusive Wisps to. I'm working on what they will do but I have the basic idea. Also I require a Sprite of the wisps that look as if they were from the DS version. If it's on this site somewhere please direct me to it. If you or someone you know could Sprite them please help. If I don't get those sprites I can't add the wii exclusive Wisps to the game.

Ok, let me explain what will happen with the Wii Exclusive powerups

Blue Cube: This will turn the special brick to Normal brick of thier color and the normal bricks to special bricks of thier color. Any red normal bricks will turn into the Red Burst Special brick. right now I'm having a little trouble with making sure the once one set swaps it's not effected by the second swap. as in first the normal bricks turn to special bricks then all the special bricks including the newly turned special bricks turn into normal bricks.

Pink Spike: Sonic turns into the pink Spike and lauches hisself at one of the two wall. I'm depating rather I should make this random or two have him hit the wall then let the player reposition the ball by going up or down and lauch it to the other side. Once it hits the wall, either the first or second time, it'll turn back. when the Pink Spike hits a brick it will destroy it causeing no bounce.

Green Hover: Sonic will turned into the Green Hover. The Player will then choos left or right and he'll move that way for a period of time then it will start to drop. Once it hit the spikes or the bat it'll turn back into sonic, no loss of life for hitting the spikes. If Green Hover hits a brick it will destroy it causeing no bounce.

Purple Frenzy: Sonic will turn into Purple frenzy for a set amount of time. Now if Purple Frenzy is near a Brick it will automatically go for it. I do this so It'll look as if will chain bricks together. As of right now I don't have anyother controls for it so if you activate it with now bricks close enough you will have waisted it. I have not yet worked on this one so I don't know what to expect yet. same as all of the wii exclusive wisps except for cube.

Other things I'm going to add.

I'm going to add a map similar to that in the Sonic Colors Game. I just need to find the background. Each area will have 2 acts and a boss battle. An Act will consist of either 5 or 10 levels of blasterball depending on what I decide.

The Boss battle's will have you hit the boss up to 5 times instead of bricks. However, the boss can summon bricks to keep you from reaching it or attack the bat. if it breaks it won't keep Sonic from the spikes.

I'm going to try to add a starting animation to each level instead of it just starting.

Also I thought it would be neat to add piecies of the storyline.

A small credit list. I'll update it further later.

Sonic by Cilent Nite

Bat, bricks, (not the Wisps logo) where made by YoYo games.

I didn't do any of the ripping. So if I forgot you please let me know. yes I will had thecredit's list to the game.
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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it would help to actually upload the demo to a hosting site and a few screenshots, so we can get an idea of how the game looks/plays

also, the spoiler tags are [spoiler]
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Pirate the full version.

Man I can't wait until I get to play this game it sounds so awesome
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Ok thanks, i just need to find a hosting site. But why'd it ask to make an attachment and allow me to browse my computer? Also could you give me some hosting sites? because I don't know any.

Also Colton I don't get you're pirate the full version comment. Was it in response to my needed help for the game and saying that I should Pirate the Sonic Colors Game? or were you talking about Pirating the Sonic Colors BlasterBall Game?
Sorry to double post but I'm going to set up an account on YoYo Games and hopfully load the demo there.
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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Well, I can't figure out why but YoYo Games won't load my game or game images. says something about a Server I/O problem. My best guess is that it has to do with the javascript thing on my computer. if someone can help or point me towards a different way to load the demo please do.
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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(02-24-2011, 06:42 PM)JC Kane Wrote: Well, I can't figure out why but YoYo Games won't load my game or game images. says something about a Server I/O problem. My best guess is that it has to do with the javascript thing on my computer. if someone can help or point me towards a different way to load the demo please do.

Why not load an executable into mediafire and make the link available for download?
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Mediafire for hosting. Just upload a zip of your project, including external files (such as music or SE). Upload images on Photobucket.
[Image: BadassSigcopy.png]
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all right thanks for the infor, I'm working on it right now.

Umm... For some reason I'm getting the same error. Because it still refuses to let me add the files. it's saying that there's an IO Error. Now sure what that means. My best guess would be for me to try to use a different computer to upload it. Maybe my laptop's not allowing it to upload.


Just checked to see if I could upload to facebook, (not the game but pictures) said I needed a flash player thing. I'm installing that now. So I'll check after I do.
It still won't let me upload. I'll have to try on another computer later.
Photo Bucket's not working either. I still don't understand why.
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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Ok so it was my laptop. Here a link to download a zip containing some screen shots and the demo.


I'll upload it better but I'm pressed for time, right now.
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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for someone who claims to be a programmer, you sure had a lot of trouble to simply upload a file.
Seems to be just any other game of brick breaker, but with sonic sprites.
Thanked by: ThePortalGuru
Fuchikoma: It was my computer that was refusing to allow the site to upload. I'm not sure why. And it's more of an IT problem not for a Programmer. And yes I am a programmer. I have an associates and everything.

Zapchu25: The game is a brick breaker game. I just use the Wisps for powerUps. Just wondering did you use the PowerUps? Any ways, I plan on adding some Boss battles but I'm still haveing a few problems with the basics.

An Update, I finished the Mechanics of the Wii Wisps added. I had to change Frenzy because I couldn't get it to do what I wanted. So Frenzy just either moves in a side ways figure 8, a circle, or a star shape for a limit time.
But I can't add them to the game until I get a Sprite for them that looks like the DS versions.

The other problem is the music. I have the songs but For some reason it either refuses to play them or it stalls before it finally plays them. But not for all the songs. The second one is that during the levels it won't loop the song. Now that I think on it I need to check to see if it will loop on the level I added the background music object.

I have the basic menu Layout down, I just need pics of the maps from the DS Game. I have all but the main map, Aquarium Park, and Asteroid Coaster.

There are a few things I want to add to spice it up but right now I'm working on the basics.

There are two bigs problems in the basic game play. For those that have played the demo you probally have seen them.

One is sometimes when Sonic turns into the PowerUps he will get stuck in the wall, This mainly happens with the Void PowerUp. It will do it if Sonic is to close to a wall. The other is if Sonic is coming at the bat at a angle and you try to hit it with the side of the bat. If you have the movement key pressed then Sonic will get stuck depending on when you release Sonic will either bounce off like he suppose to or he'll continue to his death. I believe this is because when the Sonic Ball collides with the Bat, he's suppose to bounce off of it or reverse his directions based on the angle. No when you hold the bat in the movement of that angle the bat will constantly hiting the Sonic ball before it has a chance to leave the area. That's why it depends because it contiunes to flip the angle so it'll either make the Sonic continue on it's path or bounce off. The only problem is that I don't know how to fix it.

another minor problem is sometimes the angle that Sonic bounces off causes him to start moving completely horizontal. The problem is sometimes there isn't anything to make him quite is movements except the walls which cause him to just keep on going horizontal. Anyone have an idea on how to fix it?

Also do you guys think the game moves too slow?
I'm a programmer not a spriter.

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