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100 Rogues! Hand-drawn pixel art for the iphone!
There is a game, my friends, coming out very soon only for the iphone.

It's called "100 Rogues" and it's a roguelike. If you don't know what a roguelike is, you're probably among the majority of the population. Don't worry, all you need to know is this:

1.Randomly generated dungeons and monsters; it's different every time you play!

2. Permadeath. The game isn't about beating, it's about getting as far as you can for the high score. Once you die, you fall into rogue obscurity and must start again. Can you get all the way to the fiery depths of Satan's hideout and appease the erroneous theocracy? (No fantasy is complete without one)

3. Turn-based, tactical combat! You don't want to end up flanked by a blasphemous Gypsy or backstabbed by a spineless Assassin do you? No? Then I'd mind my moves if I were you.

Now that you know what a Roguelelike is, What makes 100 Rogues so special?

1. Fully animated, frame-by-frame (the old fashioned way) 2d pixel sprites, reminiscent of the 16 bit era.

2. 4 unique player classes. The initial release contains two of these. The Human Crusader and the Fairy Wizard. Both have an array of skills and spells that allow for tactical advantages during gameplay. All four classes feature a unique gameplay style.

3. original 16 bit sountrack composed with tenderness.

4. challenge mode. This is a series of mini puzzles to test your brainwerx against how smart we are.

5. online leader boards. Compete with your friends and steal their girlfriends with your incredible performance (not that you're overcompensating or anything)

I am the lead artist of the game, and have seen it through 15 months of development. Now that it's about to be released, I thought I'd share with the pixel art community a close look at the animation style and visual direction. Enjoy the art of 100 ROGUES!!

Behold one of the Crusader's abilities, "Whack of Glory"
[Image: WHACK-of-glory.gif]

[Image: cusader-whack-EW.gif]

Swords are useful to this Holy Man
[Image: crusader-attack-front.gif]

[Image: crusader-attack-back.gif]

So are Bows'n'arrahs
[Image: bow-forward.gif]

[Image: bow-north.gif]

[Image: bow-EW.gif]

He who delves and runs away...
[Image: crusader-running-down.gif]

[Image: crusader-running-up.gif]

That didn't hurt!
[Image: crusader-pain-south.gif]

A good fairy knows to keep her distance
[Image: fairy-bow-south.gif]

a great fairy knows sometimes you gotta cut a b****
[Image: fairy-attack-side.gif]

[Image: fairy-attack-north.gif]

Hope you bought a fairy blessing (play game to laugh)
[Image: fair-death.gif]

Some disease-ridden pests
[Image: rat-side.gif]

[Image: bat-EW.gif]

Skybaby: a respectable monster
[Image: skybaby-E-W.gif]

Shoulder-Ram: preferred move of the Skybaby
[Image: ram-south.gif]

Just because this knight is blue, doesn't mean he's not HAPPY to stab you to death.
[Image: Knight-run-south.gif]

[Image: knight-attack-south.gif]

Gypsies unwelcomely shoot these
[Image: fireball.gif]

Bandits use their gold to finance their robot infantry.
[Image: robot-run-EW.gif]

[Image: robot-attack-EWfix.gif]

[Image: robot-attack-south.gif]

This may be the last thing you see
[Image: assassin-teleport-out.gif]

I hope you all enjoy. This was a highly extensive labor of love. There are many more monsters and animations to enjoy! The game should be released any day now, so please watch out for and subsequently enjoy the heck out of 100 ROGUES!

for more information:

Join our Facebook and twitter!!/pages/100-Rog...046?ref=ts
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If I had an iphone I'd probably get this. Seriously awesome work.
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Wow, this sounds and looks great.
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Lovely animation. :>
[Image: IGBanner.png]
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This kinda makes me want an iPhone.

Any gameplay videos?
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Very nice animations, but what is the actual gameplay for it like? You can say roguelike, but what makes this game different from other roguelikes?

Either way, though, those are some seriously nice sprites; I'd say you did a really great job from these animations alone.

EDIT: Wait, I didn't read the official page yet...

EDIT2: Okay, now that I read the actual homepage and know what this is, it looks great! ... too bad I don't have an iPhone...
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(04-29-2010, 10:51 AM)Rhymey Wrote: This kinda makes me want an iPhone.

Any gameplay videos?

YES! you can see the crusader in action here
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Port this to PC please.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Kitsu, Rhyme, Neslug
Hey all, my name's Keith Burgun and I'm the lead designer of 100 Rogues. We'd absolutely LOVE to port 100 Rogues to any and all platforms, PC being my personal favorite, but it's just an issue of time and budget. If everyone here tells one or two people about the game, it will help. I'm sure you've got friends with iPhones & iTouches! Anyway, we put a LOT of work into this game; it's taken us 18 months, and we plan on putting a lot MORE work into it. We want it to be truly a great thing that can be played for years, something that someone would consider buying an iPhone so that they can play. Hopefully we'll achieve that.

Thanks for checking out Blake's wonderful pixel art!

-Keith Burgun, Lead Designer @ Dinofarm Games
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Seems like an interesting game, and it looks great
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
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The movement animations sadly aren't as smooth as the rest, but overall great. My favourite's the gunning robot with the cowboy hat.
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(04-30-2010, 07:04 PM)Neslug Wrote: The movement animations sadly aren't as smooth as the rest, but overall great. My favourite's the gunning robot with the cowboy hat.

if you mean the run cycles don't have a lot of frames... well yeah, i had to make concessions wherever I could. I had to do a LOT of run cycles, including a North, South, and E/W. Even making them 6 fram cycles rather than four would have added like a month of work.

I'm only one man! =]
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But they're still pretty good for 4 frames.
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I'd get it if it wasn't $5, and that I need all the space I have left for music :F Looks fantastic though.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
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Wow, good work on the spriting! The smoke on that first hammer really caught my eye. This is great work, and games that do real sprites like these ALWAYS look better than the cheesy Flash puppet-looking characters in most games. The video made me really want to play it! The strategy-style games are really fun. I hope it isn't completely random dungeons, you need like a town or some place static where you can return to from the randomly generated dungeons. I like that you really die, though.
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