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Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-17-2010

Well, I'm gonna rip Wind Waker files with .bmd Viewer's export model function. I'm just gonna put down this rip for you people to tell me what's wrong.
[Image: gohdan.png]

Also, do .3ds files support skeletons ? When they're in bmd/bdl format, they have bones, but I can't seem to find them in 3ds max.

PS : Does anyone know how to export and into what format .bck animations should be exported ? Like in that Mario Sunshine Mario model.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - gabrielwoj - 11-17-2010

Nice, but I hate rip models Sad
Totally different but, how I can put textures into 3dsmax? I can import the 3d model, but I can't import the textures! You know Lexou?

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-17-2010

(11-17-2010, 12:37 PM)gabrielwoj Wrote: Nice, but I hate rip models Sad
Totally different but, how I can put textures into 3dsmax? I can import the 3d model, but I can't import the textures! You know Lexou?

Normally, when you try to render the model (the teapot image in the top toolbar), this error dialog box will appear saying :
Could not find textures :
<1st texture name here>
<2st texture name here>
Heartst texture name here>, etc

Under the dialog box, there's a "browse" button. Click that and find the folder with the textures, then they should appear just fine.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Shadowth117 - 11-17-2010

I was wondering if someone would start ripping this game. Yeah unfortunately .3ds doesn't support bones and the dude who made BMDView2 didn't put a format that did support them in the program. To get around this I use a script someone made for 3DSMax. It fails sometimes, but will at least get the bone structure so even if you don't get the rigging you can at least have the original bones and the model itself through BMDView2.

To quote myself:
Quote:MaxBMD Script:

This tool requires as you might guess from the name, 3DS Max to use. The advantage is that it imports the bones of a model and the rigging. On some models it may import animations as well. The downside is the compatibility rate is considerably lower since its coding was based off of BMDView rather than BMDView2. It may only work on .BMD models too.

To use this tool, follow the steps of the above tool until you get to the part about using BMDView2. Import your BMD into Max and you're done. Fix up the obvious things like texture file type if you want to submit it and that's it.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - gabrielwoj - 11-17-2010

(11-17-2010, 02:28 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: I was wondering if someone would start ripping this game. Yeah unfortunately .3ds doesn't support bones and the dude who made BMDView2 didn't put a format that did support them in the program. To get around this I use a script someone made for 3DSMax. It fails sometimes, but will at least get the bone structure so even if you don't get the rigging you can at least have the original bones and the model itself through BMDView2.

To quote myself:
Quote:MaxBMD Script:

This tool requires as you might guess from the name, 3DS Max to use. The advantage is that it imports the bones of a model and the rigging. On some models it may import animations as well. The downside is the compatibility rate is considerably lower since its coding was based off of BMDView rather than BMDView2. It may only work on .BMD models too.

To use this tool, follow the steps of the above tool until you get to the part about using BMDView2. Import your BMD into Max and you're done. Fix up the obvious things like texture file type if you want to submit it and that's it.

Don't work with 3dsmax8 what I have

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-17-2010

(11-17-2010, 02:28 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: I was wondering if someone would start ripping this game. Yeah unfortunately .3ds doesn't support bones and the dude who made BMDView2 didn't put a format that did support them in the program. To get around this I use a script someone made for 3DSMax. It fails sometimes, but will at least get the bone structure so even if you don't get the rigging you can at least have the original bones and the model itself through BMDView2.

To quote myself:
Quote:MaxBMD Script:

This tool requires as you might guess from the name, 3DS Max to use. The advantage is that it imports the bones of a model and the rigging. On some models it may import animations as well. The downside is the compatibility rate is considerably lower since its coding was based off of BMDView rather than BMDView2. It may only work on .BMD models too.

To use this tool, follow the steps of the above tool until you get to the part about using BMDView2. Import your BMD into Max and you're done. Fix up the obvious things like texture file type if you want to submit it and that's it.

It doesn't work Sad
The one you linked has a corrupted code, while the one I found via google afterwards gets this error :
"Bmdview is in a path with spaces, please put it in a path without spaces."

It doesn't work if I put it outside the 3ds max root folder, and I can't just rename Program Files, so...

In any case, I ripped something without bones :
[Image: forestoffairies.png]

Note : the .obj version has some bugs, is there something wrong with my exporting ?

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Shadowth117 - 11-17-2010

Well if you followed the instructions in the readme then your version of Max may not support it. I'm fairly sure that anything past Max 08 works with it, but I haven't tried it with a version less than that.

Oh and yeah, the .obj file for your Forest of Fairies model causes Max to hang for me when I import it. I'm guessing something's probably wrong there based on that so you may want to look at your exporter. The .3ds is fine, though untextured, but I can still upload it.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-18-2010

The .3ds version textures fine for me ...?

Here :

For the .obj, I just downloaded this awesome obj importer/exporter at , you should check it out.
The obj should now work fine, but if not, turn on "force 2-sided" on the render screen, and/or the material editor.

Hey guys
[Image: outsetisland.png]
The sea file is gray. bmd-3ds exporting is fucked up.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Shadowth117 - 11-18-2010

That's actually what has become the default .obj exporter from at least Max 2009 forward interestingly enough.

The ONLY downside is that it doesn't do relative paths for textures so you have to edit that in your .MTL file if you want the textures to show up on import. I didn't realize this for some of my early models so a lot of my early rips have this issue, but its not really major and just takes 2 seconds to fix after import so I wouldn't force you to fix it.

Basically it makes it so that Max looks for textures in "C:/Users/Whoever/Documents/Your Model folder/" rather than the folder its currently in. Not really a big issue since it keeps the Materials intact and still gives you the original names of the textures though.

And yeah, your model imports fine now otherwise. Good job with it.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-19-2010

Ok, so I filed all the Islands in the game and classified them. Problem is, it's going to be a pain to manually export all 49 manually. Any ideas ?

Also, here :
[Image: shousee.png]

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Zerox - 11-19-2010

Ah wonderful I ripped some models from this game back in the day. I ripped a few characters and some props such as statues and the like. As you pointed out the water turned grey or something. This is actually quite typical with Wind Waker. For example I ripped Ganondorf but the orange lines on the back of his robe turned grey and had to be recolored the proper orange. This is because of Wind Waker's method of rendering. Some things don't actually have colored textures because they just run a solid color under a semi shaded transparent texture.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Shadowth117 - 11-19-2010

If I recall correctly, I think that was vertex coloring or something. I think MaxBMD was able to get it too for somethings. I know that Awakening Wood in Pikmin 2 used it and I was able to keep the vertex coloring intact. A few enemies in that game used it too, which was aggravating before I knew about MaxBMD because a few didn't even have textures.

As for ideas on how to rip all 49 islands, I don't think you can unless you get really creative with .bat commands or something. I wish there was because being able to do every individual cave piece in Pikmin 2 at once would have been so easy. As it is, I refuse to rip them at the moment since there's literally like hundreds of them. :/ There's definitely a reason that you need big teams of people generally to make big games like that.

Great jobs on Outset Island and Orca's house though.

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-21-2010

I updated the previous rips with readmes and some bug fixes :
[Image: forestoffairies.png][Image: shousee.png][Image: outsetisland.png]

Also, I bring you new rips :
[Image: shouse.png][Image: housey.png][Image: shouse.png]

I think this concludes Outset Island, except for the Savage Labyrinth, but I have yet to find that one.

Found it !
[Image: savagelabyrinth.png]

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Lexou Duck - 11-21-2010

Now that Outset's out of the way, I'm gonna do all the islands, by map placement order. I'll cleverly skip the forsaken fortress, cause it has 5 different models for specific times of the game, not including the inside rooms.

[Image: starisland.png]

RE: Lexou's Wind Waker Rips - Shadowth117 - 11-21-2010

I could definitely see why Forsaken Fortress could end up being a huge pain to rip. Even if the inside rooms aren't different, its still a massive dungeon if I recall from my play through of that game. Were you planning on ripping those unused rooms that you showed pictures of in the Video Game Secrets thread?