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RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-08-2009

Keyboard will be fine. Of course pressing down and left at the same time will have the character do as such, just make sure the code recognises that the sprite should change if those two directional inputs are pressed at the same time.

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-08-2009

ya, i got that already...I'm good with that sorta coding for some reason lol

hmmm..only 4 direction pictures? or will there be 8(for all directions)?

i'll work with the 4 direction pictures for now..

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-08-2009

Ah crud, that's right. I forgot that Disgaea is 4-way only. Hang on, let me find something more appropriate.

The size is pretty similar too. Just use those Disgaea guys as NPC replacements for now.

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-08-2009

lol dam i was already working on seperating the character sprites from each other on the sheet...
oh well, ok ill do this one

EDIT: just as a quick update, i'm done with the motions now...i'll work on the NPCs and trees and stuff next

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-08-2009

Here: Demo of the Movement System:

EDIT: sorry for the big file, was in a rush so just pulled a big level from somewhere and made it to where you could only move around in part of it

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-09-2009

The character movement seems good, but the collisions on the level itself seem a bit off - probably because it's such an enclosed space. You did a decent job though, good work.

If you need a map with some free reign in movement, but with obstacles, try this:

It might be a bit small for the demo sprite we're using, but it doesn't matter. The extra bits around the map are meant to go on a separate layer, so you can walk behind certain objects.

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-09-2009

(i know the map is bad, i just did it in a hurry so you could see how it works lol, u just wanted me to make a movement and character talking with NPCs systems, so i just tha level together)

but ya, i'll put together that level if you want...
(i personally don't like maps that you can see the outside of though...but ok, and i can make the map a little bigger if its too small)

but ya, i'm working on the NPCs and talking and stuff right now

EDIT: ok, redownload the link in my previous post

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-09-2009

Sorry if it seems like I'm putting you through hoops, but using iso maps is a better way of measuring how the system would work ingame. That open space was a lot easier to move around in, and I've noticed that your diagonals aren't quite isometric (They're perfect diagonals instead of isometric ones). That's easily tuned, though, so don't worry. There's also a few small collision errors with the scenery.

It's taking shape, and this 'feels' better than the previous one you posted (funny how a small change makes a big difference, no?), but it still needs tweaking. That's cool though, that kind of thing will happen a lot. Keep going with the NPCs, and adjust the x/y movement speeds of the diagonals, and things will start coming together~

I understand enough coding syntax that I don't mind having a look at it if you want a second opinion. Not so well versed in GML, but I do know Visual Basic, and GML is reportedly easier. :V

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-09-2009

(07-09-2009, 08:34 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: ...and I've noticed that your diagonals aren't quite isometric (They're perfect diagonals instead of isometric ones). That's easily tuned, though, so don't worry. There's also a few small collision errors with the scenery....
lol don't worry about the collision stuff, i CAN do it perfectly, it just takes a little time and I'm tryin to get the main stuff done, and this map is just a demo, so no reason to worry about getting the collisions perfect right now (i actually expected someone else to do that stuff, but if they cant i'll get to it later when i'm done with the demo and we workin on the real game)

(07-09-2009, 08:34 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: I understand enough coding syntax that I don't mind having a look at it if you want a second opinion. Not so well versed in GML, but I do know Visual Basic, and GML is reportedly easier. :V
i know nothing about Visual C++...I'm taking class on it in the 10th grade though(just wait for the dam summer to end lol)

and i'll let you look at if you wanna when i'm done with the NPC's...i'm almost done with them, just a couple bugs to work out and they good to go.

EDIT: any particular font you want for the messeges the NPC's give you?

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Raytheon - 07-09-2009

wat where did he say C++

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-09-2009

Quote:..Visual Basic..

thought that was C++?
correct me if i'm wrong lol

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-09-2009

Actually, Visual Basic is the coding language partnered with Windows applications; its what powers Macro functions in Microsoft Excel and Access. C++ is more complex.

The collision stuff's no big deal, but I found it amusing when I wormed my way outside the map. The dialogue font can be arial for now. We'll enforce a custom font when it matters.

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-09-2009

ok, that works...and i had it comic snans MS, but ill put it on Ariel...

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - GrooveMan.exe - 07-09-2009

Comic sans is a disgustingly ugly font, but that's neither here nor there.

RE: PokémonJRPG Large-Scale Fangame for PC - Kira. - 07-09-2009

lol Comic Sans MS is kool if you ask me..but ok ok

EDIT: fixed the place u nudged out of the map at lol
look at this...this is the only problem i'm having now, everything else is set up for the demo..

if (obj_Character.y > self.y+23)


what this is supposed to do is keep the NPC is the layer below you unless you are above its Y-Axis, in which case its layer is in front of you...

and ideas of what i'm doing wrong?
also, press <space> to talk to them, speed up the txt, and continue the txt:

EDIT: re-download it if u downloaded before the last 5 minutes of this edit, fixed a speed problem with the txt
(it kept speeding up more and more every time u talked)