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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
(05-29-2014, 06:30 PM)Gwen Wrote: I don't view it as good if to get sales Nintendo has to appease people on something that was never a problem with the system. All it shows me is that companies will increasingly have to bend to fan's wills on matters that shouldn't be problems in the first place because stubborn "fans" refuse to adapt or try something new, or feel so entitled that they feel they should be the ones designing the console and everything about it.

It makes me think of when Bioware had to apologize and create new endings for Mass Effect 3 because the ending wasn't what people thought it was going to be and that made them butthurt.

wasn't the issue with mass effect 3's ending not that it didn't match expectations, but that it was half-assed, confusing, and unaffected by any of the decisions made by the player over the course of the game?

bad example.

video game developers are content producers, and content is always subject to criticism and should be given room to improve. this community was practically built on those sentiments. bioware wasn't "bending to the fans' wills," they were owning up to poor decision-making and vowing to make a better product. there's a huge difference between the producers' vision conflicting with the audience's wants and the producer having a flawed, nonsensical vision.

however, this is pretty irrelevant. nintendo's not apologizing for anything, and they're not fixing a product for better reception. what they ARE doing is catering to everyone who's played melee and/or brawl religiously, most of whom have spent years adjusting to and working with the gamecube controller. this is a kind thing they're doing for the competitive crowd, and it's a good marketing move.

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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Crappy Blue Luigi - 05-29-2014, 06:50 PM

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