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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
Good god that's barftastic.

Fling your hate at me all you want, but just use the damn current controllers, they're perfectly fine and fit yo' hands just fine as well.
If you seriously can't take like 10 minutes to get used to the button layout, you're a lazy pile of shit.
[Image: bclrPXM.png]

They fit your hands fine, and the button placement is perfectly fine if you take the time to adjust to it. Like the gamecube controller is snug I guess, but so are these controllers, and for the last time, different button placement isn't some eternal damnation to playing worse, just get over yourself and adjust to it.

It's absolutely disgusting seeing some of the stuff I'm seeing elsewhere in response to this, shit like "Now I'll buy the Wii-U, can actually play now."

Holy fuck people like that should jump into a fire.

EDIT: [Image: xGmBw7e.jpg]
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Gwen - 05-29-2014, 05:40 PM

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