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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
I don't know why everyone feels personally victimized if someone wants to play a game differently than them.

Like, seriously. Elitism isn't cool, sure, but saying that people aren't allowed to try to make competitive Smash a reality is like... super hypocritical, imo.

And the reason that people leave out items if they want to test their own player skill is comparable to the reason that metal bats aren't used in major league baseball (lol sports metaphors in a vidyo gaem forum? whoops). Metal bats, especially for people who know how to use them (aka pro baseball players), are so much more effective than wood bats that they'd over-centralize the game to just ripping home runs all the time. Or like, how bullshit would it seem if every person up to bat had a random chance of being able to use a metal bat over a wood one? And one team just winds up getting a bad luck of the draw and almost never gets the arbitrary advantage?

It's the same thing with using items to win. Many items are ALWAYS your better option compared to the rest of your moveset. They boil the main strategy down to "who can run and catch the latest random item drop" and erases all of the intricacies of attacking/countering/positioning/dodging and even the differences between characters (to varying degrees).

If you're not willing to look deeper into the game's core mechanics and learn how to play it without relying on random factors then no, you're not "competitive". And that's fine! And anyone says it isn't, well fuck them, they're a shitlord. You're a casual player. It's not a freaking slur, it's a way to play the game.

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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Tellis - 04-18-2014, 12:47 AM

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