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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
(04-17-2014, 08:42 AM)[MachoBot RoboSavage] Wrote: I'm from Arkansas man, of course I've watched NASCAR

The fact that you assume that every strategy used in competetive Smash is the same, that players haven't tried to utilize their characters to their fullest potentials OR that NASCAR is simply a bunch of cars going in a circle (Or the fact that you don't believe they use any driving tricks) makes me wonder if you've really watched either of the two closely. Competetive Smash is repetive and many different people have different playing styles. Hungrybox and Mango play two different Jigglypuffs. A Young Link main won the last (or the one before last) Apex (which is the largest Smash tournament. Gimpyfish is an incredibly good player, and he only plays Bowser. Mew2King went through frame data and code in an effort to make sure that he could get everything out his main. Melee players have discovered new tricks such as Wavedashing and L Canceling, two things that turned the competetive scene on it's head. It may look the same because there's only 13 moves, and not all of them are useful at every single moment. But just because you're unfamiar with something enough to where it looks the same doesn't mean that it is really the same.

And regarding stages, there is no stage that is only banned because it's disruptive to regular play.
You can read this list and there's no way that you can't say "I can atleast understand why someone would ban this stage." I don't agree with every banning (there's stages that I would want to be legal) but even then I at least understand why the stage would be banned.

Regarding NASCAR, they go in a circle because they're trying to go as fast as they can as safely as they can. You can't go 200 mph and do twists and turns. It becomes a lot more dangerous (and NASCAR is pretty dangerous as it is) and the cars wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't know what you're referring to as driving tricks, but the ability to drive a car almost 200 mph that weighs nearly a ton and not crash into the wall or another car while attempting to pass said car is a driving trick in itself. The fact they are able to handle their car and not kill themselves while going nearly 200 mph is a driving trick in itself. Don't try to pull the NASCAR is a bunch of care going in a circle, I'm not having any of that shit.

Three things I'd like to note:
Understanding why, doesn't mean those reasons are good enough for it to be that way (Stationary and/or predictable hazards disrupt play? Seriously? those cases should just be an unwritten guideline rather than explict bans.)

Secondly, you have to admit NASCAR looks like a bunch of cars driving in a circle when they aren't crashing, and is both way harder than it looks and a lot more fun to be in.

Finally, in many competitive games, you only get interesting and varied play at the top and bottom levels. Since the bottom doesn't know what generally works, and the top know how to do what generally works so well, they know how to come up with innovative ways to counter it.
Christianity is my faith not my religion. And neither should be pushed upon people.
HELP-Need as much C+C and playtesting as I can get on my SHMUP Megaman reimagining!
[Image: mx9RKdo.png]
Thanked by: Kriven

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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by Terminal Devastation - 04-17-2014, 10:18 AM

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