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I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS)
Here's some reasons I thought of today why a reveal of Ridley as the next newcomer would be boss as hell aside from the obvious reasons: he's a PERFECT answer to Little Mac. Why?

Mac is a minuscule runt, Ridley is large.

Mac is a relatable human, Ridley is a sci fi dragon dinosaur thing.

Mac is hard working and dreams to be the best, Ridley fights for power over others.

Mac fights for sport to prove himself in a world where he's the underdog, Ridley is a murdering pirate.

Mac fights with his fists and his own strength, Ridley is willing to bastardize his body with weaponry to settle a score.

But most importantly, in a gameplay sense

Mac is a fighter who works best on the ground, and Ridley, while his arms aren't useless, fights much better from the air with his feet and his tail.

Agree or disagree whether you like Ridley as a character, but you can't deny that Ridley is almost the antithesis to Little Mac in these regards.

(also CBL, Duster would be soooo good)

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RE: I love you all to death (Just so I can smash bros with you) (SSBWiiU/3DS) - by TomGuycott - 02-19-2014, 02:32 PM

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