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Jolly Joy Day: Secret Santa Presents!
(12-27-2013, 01:13 PM)Baegal Wrote: Thanks, er.... secret santa! I love it!
Dedennenedendneeneneee Heart

but who is it? I'd love to know : D
Truth be told, that's one of the handful of placeholders I made. You're still to receive a gift from your true santa in due time! So there's another thing for you to look forward to!

(12-27-2013, 01:50 PM)Tellis Wrote: I hope there wasn't an easier way to find the number of sheets on the first update on the new site than the way I did it.
The way I went about it was that I remembered it was sometime around may. Applying a rough binary-sort inspired method, I went to different news page numbers on the tSR website to see if they were from earlier or later and went on from there until I had it.

(12-27-2013, 01:50 PM)Tellis Wrote: Also how were we supposed to figure out the icon site color if it's hue-shifted? Just randomly try every sort of color changing operation and hope you get the same color? Like I understand it's a reference to ripping stuff but... eh...
I'm fully aware that some of these were less straight-forward than others, but it was all I could do to think of 22 questions. Though I would have offered hints when I'd see you lot struggle with it (yet this one was already solved by Rosencrantz before I got to it). It is difficult to judge how hard a riddle may be especially since I don't know about anyones skills, but I figured it'd work that way and I'd even say that it did.

To those few who didn't send in a present:
I leave the choice to you whether you'd like to post your gift yourself, or send it to me so I'd post it.

I thank you all for this great Secret Santa and wish all of you a happy new year!

I'll leave the site up for a few days or weeks, until whenever I can't bear it anymore, in case anyone would want to take another look at the questions.
Thanked by: Guy

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RE: Jolly Joy Day: Secret Santa Presents! - by Previous - 12-27-2013, 02:39 PM

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