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You can defeat them with attack moves explained later in this .txt. There are also items that help Sol. >GAMEPLAY-CONTROLS The controls mimic the Gameboy's layout (2 action buttons, Select, Start and a D-Pad). The moves are as follows: Walk=Left/Right Crouch=Down Jump=A *Attack=B *Charge Attack=Hold B *Spinning Attack=Release B after charged *Aerial Spinning Attack=A while charged *Paint Shot=Forward while charged *Paint Block=Up+B Start=Pause Select=Select (also summons music changing window) (Moves with a star (*) uses up paint) >GAMEPLAY-ITEMS There are items you can collect in-game. Paint Bucket (green)=Fills your paint meter. Paint Bucket (other colors)=Depletes your paint meter. Sun=Replenishes HP. CD=Increases a song in your Song List. --- >>>ENEMIES-BASICS Enemies are varied in Sol: the Game. Each one of them behaves differently, and it changes depending on the color. The color is chosen randomly when the enemy spawns. Basically, there are three types of enemies: BLUE, YELLOW and RED (weak, mid and strong respectively). >ENEMIES-COLOR BEHAVIOR The color behavior is as follows: BLUE enemies are weaker than normal; they walk slowly, allowing the player to avoid/defeat them easily. They also take out one HP from Sol. They are worth 100 points when painted green, and it is doubled for homing characters. YELLOW enemies are normally-powered. They walk at the same pace as Sol's, and deal 2 HP of damage to Sol. They are worth 200 points when painted green, and it is doubled for homing characters. RED enemies are the strongest ones, with increased speed and taking out 3 HP from Sol. They may also have EXTRA PROPERTIES. They are worth 400 points when painted green, and it is doubled for homing characters. OBS: the RED enemy behavior is discarded if the enemy has an EXTRA PROPERTY (explained later in this .txt). >ENEMIES-MOVEMENTS Different enemies may have different movements. WALKING (w) - enemies with this movement will travel across the ground. They will also fall if they reach a pit. For example, Goombas in SMB. JUMP (j) - they behave exactly like WALKING, except that they attempt a jump when reaching a pit. FLYING (f) - enemies will fly across the screen in pre-determined paths. I'll be explaining them on the LIST. STAND STILL (s) - enemies will not move at all. OBS: the movement changes if the enemy has an EXTRA PROPERTY that says so. >ENEMIES-STRATEGY Enemies may also have a strategy to try defeating Sol. None (N) - enemies with no AI do not attempt to seek Sol; they only walk forward. Enemies that STAND STILL have this as default. Homing (H) - enemies with a homing AI chases Sol. Enemies with this strategy are worth double the points. Extra Property (X) - Only happens on RED enemies. It has the bigger priority than all the variables and has powers to change the behavior entirely (such as moving differently or giving more points). OBS: some enemies may have specific behaviors. They're explained on the list below. >ENEMIES-LIST 1UP (j) (H) ARTHUR (f) (N) (X) *Arthur flies in a SINE WAVE pattern (like the Medusa Heads from Castlevania). *When RED, Arthur DOES NOT GET FASTER, but can shoot a small bullet that deals 1 HP of damage to Sol. It can be destroyed by attacking. CHRIS2BALLS (j) (N) (X) *When RED, Chris2Balls DOES NOT GET FASTER, but will start to chase Sol (H). DEVICHO (w) (H) DEX (j) (H) (X) *When RED, Dex can drain some of Sol's paint. He also deals 2 HP of damage. DRAKOCAT (w) (N) (X) *When RED, Drakocat will give doubled points (800), even if she's not a homing character. FLANNEL-BASTARD (j) (N) GORSAL (w) (N) (X) *When RED, Gorsal will give doubled points (800), even if he's not a homing character. KAIKIMI (j) (N) (X) *When RED, Kaikimi DOES NOT GET FASTER, but deals 4 HP of damage. KEYCHAIN (j) (N) LEXOU (f) (N) *Lexou flies on a STRAIGHT pattern. METARU (j) (H) (X) *When RED, Metaru will shoot a small bullet that deal 1 HP of damage to Sol. It can be destroyed by attacking. NINDO (w) (N) (X) *When RED, Nindo will give doubled points (800), even if he's not a homing character. PK (f) (H) (X) *PK will follow Sol slowly. *PK DOES NOT GET FASTER IN ANY COLOR. PREVIOUS (w) (N) ROKKAN (w) (N) ROSENCRANTZ (j) (N) (X) *When RED, Rosencrantz will shoot a small bullet that deal 1 HP of damage to Sol. It can be destroyed by attacking. SHAWN (s) (N) (X) *When RED, Shawn will shoot a soccer ball that deals 2 HP of damage. It can be destroyed by attacking. STARSOCK64 (j) (N) (X) *When RED, Starsock64 will give doubled points (800), even if she's not a homing character. TOMGUYCOTT (j) (N) TUNA (f) (N) *Tuna flies in a SINE WAVE pattern (like the Medusa Heads from Castlevania). *Tuna DOES NOT GET FASTER IN ANY COLOR. TYVON (s) (N) (X) *When RED, Tyvon walks in a mid pace. TACHIKOMA (j) (H) (X) *When RED, Tachikoma will shoot a small bullet that deal 1 HP of damage to Sol. It can be destroyed by attacking. SPLODER (s) (N) (X) *Sploder DOES NOT HURT Sol in contact when BLUE or YELLOW. *Defeating Sploder while BLUE or YELLOW DOES NOT GIVE Sol any points. *When RED, Sploder walks in a mid pace and deals 4 HP of damage to Sol. Defeating him when RED yields 400 points. VIPERSHARK (w) (H) (X) *Vipershark comes from the left side of screen and tries to sneak up on Sol. *Vipershark only moves when Sol is not seeing him (example: Boo from SMB) *When RED, Vipershark gives 1600 points to Sol when defeated. WOPPET (j) (N) *Woppet DOES NOT HURT Sol in any way in ANY COLOR. *Defeating Woppet in ANY COLOR DOES NOT GIVE Sol any points. KOSHEH (w) (N) GROOVEMAN.EXE (j) (H) *Grooveman has a higher CD drop rate. Because of this, the probability of him spawning is smaller. AFRODISIAC (w) (H) GNOSTIC WETFART (j) (N) (X) *when RED, Gnostic Wetfart is worth 1600 points when defeated. >ENEMIES-BOSSES There are bosses that appear eventually when you're playing the game. They have more health and has unique attack patterns. They are gray-colored. --- >>>MUSIC-BASICS The music from SOL: THE GAME can be changed at any time the player wishes by pressing SELECT button. Pressing it will cause a window to open and the game to pause, allowing the player to select the desired music. The music list has of 2 songs from the start, and the player needs to collect CDs to increase their list. CDs can be found randomly on the levels (it is rarer than paint buckets) or defeating enemies (also rare). BLUE enemies drop BLUE CDs, RED enemies drop RED CDs, etc. Obtaining a CD also increases the SOUND TEST's music list. You can view the CD's case art in SOUND TEST. >MUSIC-SOUND TEST You can listen to all the songs you've collected so far here. You can also see the CD's case art as a bonus. Pressing left and right buttons changes CD, A plays/stops and B exits the SOUND TEST. --- >>>MECHANICS-BASICS This section covers the small details about the game, such as HUD. >MECHANICS-TITLE SCREEN The title screen is pretty forward. It shows two options: START GAME and OPTIONS. START GAME starts the game and OPTIONS sends you to the option screen. >MECHANICS-HUD The HUD displays 3 bars and 2 scores, as follows: HP BAR=shows how many HP you have. Running out of them ends the game. PAINT BAR=shows how many paint you have until running out of them. BOSS HP BAR=shows how many HP the boss has. Depleting it means the boss is defeated. SC=shows how many points you scored. You get points by defeating enemies, grabbing items and by surviving (each block scrolled is worth 5 points). HI-SC=shows the game's highest score. When playing it for the first time, it defaults to 57300 points. >MECHANICS-POINTS Points are awarded when you do certain things: Collecting a Green Paint Bucket=1000 points Collecting a SUN=1000 points Collecting a CD=8000 points Scrolling a block=5 points (OBS: the enemy points are already listed on the ENEMIES LIST.) Reaching a score higher than 57300 and dying shows you the credits. >MECHANICS-OPTIONS There are options that you can change in the game. It is acessible in the title screen. SEE HIGH SCORES=shows the 10 higher scores made in the game. CLEAR HIGH SCORES=clear the high scores. CONTROLS=sees control layout input and lets the player the keys assigned to the buttons. HP BAR STYLE=toggles the HP BAR between icon system (¤¤¤¤¤¤) or numeric system (1000). PAINT BAR STYLE= toggles the PAINT BAR between icon system or numeric system (1000l). BOSS BAR STYLE= toggles the BOSS HP BAR between icon system or numeric system (1000). SOUND TEST=enters sound test screen. EXIT=exits options and goes back to title screen.