from PIL import Image import os folder_path = r"folder/where/your/spritesheets/are" output_folder_path = r"/output/folder/path" ICON_WIDTH = 148 ICON_HEIGHT = 125 # This is an optional setting used to determine how far up and down you should scan for the # leftmost edge of a sprite from the top of the image. In addition to improving performace, # it also helps prevent you from running into any other sprites further down the sheet. # I usually set it equal to the size of each "row" on my spritesheets. use_scan_height = False SCAN_HEIGHT = 64 def crop_all_files(): for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): try: # Load the image image = + "\\" + filename).convert('RGBA') # Find the first non-transparent pixel in the top left top = find_top_non_transparent_pixel(image) left = find_left_non_transparent_pixel(image, top[0]) if top is None or left is None: print('No non-transparent pixels found in the image.') else: # Find the borders of the non-transparent object top_left = (left[0], top[1]) borders = find_object_borders(image, top_left) # Create a separate image with the non-transparent object object_image = resize_canvas(create_object_image(image, borders)) new_name = output_folder_path + filename print('Object image saved as ', new_name) except Exception as e: print("FAILED to get icon for " + filename + ". Error: " + str(e)) def find_top_non_transparent_pixel(image): width, height = image.size for y in range(height): for x in range(width): pixel = image.getpixel((x, y)) if pixel[3] != 0: # Check if alpha channel is not transparent return x, y print("Could not find top transparent pixel.") return None def find_left_non_transparent_pixel(image, highest_x_value): width, height = image.size if use_scan_height : height = SCAN_HEIGHT for x in range(width): for y in range(height): pixel = image.getpixel((x, y)) if pixel[3] != 0: # Check if alpha channel is not transparent return x, y print("Could not find leftmost transparent pixel.") return None def find_object_borders(image, top_left): width, height = image.size left, top = top_left right, bottom = top_left for y in range(top, height): transparent = True for x in range(width): pixel = image.getpixel((x, y)) if pixel[3] != 0: # Check the alpha channel value transparent = False break if transparent: bottom = y break for x in range(left + 1, width): transparent = True for y in range(top, bottom): pixel = image.getpixel((x, y)) if pixel[3] != 0: # Check the alpha channel value transparent = False break if transparent: right = x break return left, top, right, bottom def create_object_image(image, borders): left, top, right, bottom = borders object_image = image.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) return object_image def resize_canvas(image): new_image ="RGBA", (ICON_WIDTH, ICON_HEIGHT), (255, 255, 255, 0)) x = int((ICON_WIDTH - image.width) / 2) y = int((ICON_HEIGHT - image.height) / 2) new_image.paste(image, (x, y)) return new_image crop_all_files()