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I'm looking for a program that can batch resize a large number of sprites (doubling the size, to be exact), without fucking up the quality and such.

So far everything I've used messes with AA and doesn't keep it perfect quality.

Does this exist?

select all
image > stretch/skew

height and width both to 200
press OK
in photoshop cs3 you have to change the quality of resizes in 'preferences' to 'Nearest Neighbor'
Keyword: Batch.

There are hundreds of images.

Oh, they're also transparent .PNGs and I would like to preserve that also.
idk if adobe bridge could do that, but maybe.
Oh, sorry.
I thought by batch you meant a fuckload of sprites in one sheet.
I've got nothing, in that case.
IrfanView could probably do the job.
Go to File -> Batch Conversion. Opens a dialog. In the "Batch Conversion settings" area choose your output format (PNG), click "Options", check the "Save Transparent Color" box. "OK". Check "Use advanced options" underneath the output format selection. Click "Advanced". Check "Resize" and choose your settings - the percentage option, 200% and 200%. "OK". Back in the previous dialog, on the right hand, you can go and "Add" the files you want to be converted. Be sure to check where the output will be placed. And then... "Start Batch".
Somehow like that.
FastStone Photo Resizer is a good tool for this type of job
A newer version of Paint can zoom out 11x times.
Should be able to resize some serious shit with it.
Don't remember what it's called.
IrfanView worked perfectly, thanks!
And thanks to everyone who suggested something, too.
(09-15-2009, 11:16 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]IrfanView could probably do the job.
Go to File -> Batch Conversion. Opens a dialog. In the "Batch Conversion settings" area choose your output format (PNG), click "Options", check the "Save Transparent Color" box. "OK". Check "Use advanced options" underneath the output format selection. Click "Advanced". Check "Resize" and choose your settings - the percentage option, 200% and 200%. "OK". Back in the previous dialog, on the right hand, you can go and "Add" the files you want to be converted. Be sure to check where the output will be placed. And then... "Start Batch".
Somehow like that.

Oh, I forgot about Irfanview. Thanks for reminding me. I need to get it.
When Irfan doubles the size, is it auto-smoothing also, or is it just plain resizing? Might have the need for such a program in the future.

There's also Rotsprite which does resizing/rotation surprisingly well, but smooths the sprite (with no AA); which has its uses. I don't think it does batch stuff, though.
(09-16-2009, 06:58 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]When Irfan doubles the size, is it auto-smoothing also, or is it just plain resizing?
Plain resize if you don't change the settings to resample the image (there's a checkbox somewhere).