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@Tonberry2k: Thanks ^^
Do you mind to fix also this issue:
Quote:PSX / PS2 > L > Lunar: Silver Story Complete
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

@deathbringer: If no one is faster, I will (the new Black Dragon looks utterly awesome). Wild Arms is also one of my favourites for ripping, combat system is 3-D but the tilesets/maps are beautiful Heart
Bunch of new sheets:

Enemies (Ruid, Forbidden Forest, Grindery Bowels):

Ruid Tileset:

Battle Backgrounds 3:

It's possible to get a map of Ruid, but there are some clouds which makes it extremely hard to get some decent screenshots. Maybe I will try with Animget.
Another big boss, the Bronze Dog(s):
Looking good!
Okay, I'm through. Genious game with even more genious characters, luv it Heart

[Image: snag0182.png][Image: snag0183.png]

And it's funny, too ^^

In every case I will rip the Grindery Quarters, the first Encounter with the Magic Emperor and some stuff from Althena's Fort, looks very good to me.
Enemies & Battle Backgrounds are now complete:

Goddess Tower, Althena's Fort & Grindery Quarters Enemies:

BG's sheet #4:

My Secret Garden & Grindery Quarters (maps) are also complete, but first I must delete the NPCs & get the animations.
Looking good! Are you going to do character and NPC sheets as well?
NPC-townspeople are easy to get, they're all in the VRAM-file. Overworld enemies are harder, but not impossible (some are splitted in effects & sprite, you need Animget for them). Main characters are very hard (various status changes & different weapons + idle, hit & so on -> Animget is also required).

But all in all they are useless for me and would consume too much time. I will focus on maps & the remaining (interesting) bosses, which are enough for me. Sorry for that =/
I wish I would have a garden like this =o

And here are the residents:
[Image: lunarssscpixies.png]
Cadin outdoors, biggest egg I've ever saw:

Talon Mine Graveyard & Exit:

Talon Mine Tileset:

And a quick rip, the Vile Tribe residents of Talon:
[Image: lunarssscnpcviletribe.png]

Cadin Inner & Talon Inner&Outer is ripped, but a few animations are missing and I must delete the NPCs & light/fog effects.
Gosh, I hate these light effects/fogs, I had to replace each 16x16-tile on both maps (the two blue coloured areas):

Cadin inner:

Cadin tileset:
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