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My new submission topic and stuff...

Mario And Luigi Rpg 3
[Image: fawboticon.png]

Sonic Adventure Series
[Image: chaoicon.png]

Dynamite Headdy
[Image: rocketgrapplericon.png] [Image: troublebruinicon.png] [Image: superfinaglericon.png] [Image: wheelerdealericon.png] [Image: flyingscytheicon.png]
[Image: spinderellaicon.png] [Image: woodendressericon.png]

Knuckles Chaotix
[Image: chaosringsicon.png]

Sonic CD
[Image: littleplaneticon.png] [Image: soniccdspecialstage1ico.png] [Image: soniccdspecialstage2ico.png] [Image: timestonesicon.png] [Image: soniccdspecialstage3ico.png] [Image: specialstageicon2.png]
[Image: soniccdspecialstage4ico.png] [Image: soniccdspecialstage5ico.png] [Image: soniccdspecialstage6ico.png] [Image: specialstage7icon2.png]

Gunstar Heroes
[Image: bravoomanicon.png] [Image: sevenforceicon.png] [Image: valvaicon.png] [Image: timetronicon.png] [Image: minionsoldiericon.png] [Image: melonbreadicon.png]
[Image: piticon.png] [Image: curryandriceicon.png] [Image: blackbeatsteppericon.png] [Image: pinkyroadericon.png]

Gunstar Super Heroes
[Image: sevenforcedxicon.png] [Image: valvaicondx.png] [Image: melonbreaddxicon.png]

Sonic Rush Adventure
[Image: emeraldsicon.png]

Megaman ZX Advent
[Image: spidrillicon.png]

[Image: realshieldsicon.png]

Super Metroid
[Image: morherbrainphase2icon.png]

Megaman Zero Series
[Image: megamanzerobossdeathico.png]

Megaman ZX
[Image: mmzxbossdeathicon.png]

Alien Soldier
[Image: seventhforceicon.png] [Image: mechapedeicon.png] [Image: antroidicon.png] [Image: arrghusicon.png] [Image: shellshogunicon.png]

Metroid Zero Mission
[Image: mecharidleyicon.png]

Sonic Colors DS
[Image: soniccolorsfireicon.png] [Image: soniccolorscrawketicon.png]

Hotel Mario
[Image: theresfiahicon.png]

Contra ReBirth
[Image: contrarebirthexplosions.png] [Image: contrarebirthgiantrobot.png] [Image: contrarebirthrobotllama.png] [Image: contrarebirthsk8icon.png] [Image: contrarebirthbrw9icon.png] [Image: contrarebirthblobthingi.png]

Rayman Origins
[Image: raymanicon.png] [Image: betillaicon.png] [Image: hollyicon.png] [Image: edithicon.png] [Image: annettaicony.png] [Image: helenaicon.png]
[Image: treasurechestv.png] [Image: hearticon.png] [Image: electoonicon.png] [Image: poorlittledaisyicon.png] [Image: littlerobotflyicon.png] [Image: bigrobotflyicon.png]

SegaSonic The Hedgehog
[Image: eggmanislandicon.png] [Image: segasonicsplosionicon.png]

Gradius ReBirth
[Image: gradiusrebirthexplosion.png]
I think you should change the Chao Emote ball backgrounds. The emotes are white and the bg are white
They are that way by default. Its to allow easy coloring...
The white around them isn't actually there. If you look at the image in something that supports transparency you'll see that the white surrounding them is just where the image is transparent.

Also nice rips Chaofanatic!
[Image: rocketgrapplericon.png]
I checked thrice and to my knowledge no one is currently ripping from Dynamite Headdy. Please dont let someone already have claimed it...
Not that I checked, but you did check the Genesis section, right?

And I'm very sure no one ripped that. And that is a cool rip.
Yes I did. And nothing about it there or anywhere else...
Nice. Big Grin
I suppose I will do the giant spider robot thingie next... (Yeah... Thats not vague at all)

[Image: troublebruinicon.png]
I didn't want to include him in a million different sheets so I gave him his own sheet and all...

[Image: superfinaglericon.png]
K... so... Yeah...
Super Finagler A.K.A. "Giant obnoxious spider robot" is done now...
Cool sprites. The oddities of the old systems. Why'd they change the character from purple to brown.
Wheeler-Dealer is done!
[Image: wheelerdealericon.png]
Japanese version used for the icon simply because red and black wins against pink and blue any day.
Next will probably be... Flying scythe or something...

[Image: flyingscytheicon.png]
Flying scythe is done! And wheeler dealer's icon has been updated.
The most awesome boss ever!
[Image: spinderellaicon.png]
Pseudo 3D epicness!
Looking good!
Wooden dresser is done!
[Image: woodendressericon.png]
Yeah this boss makes a lot of sence...
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