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Full Version: Tiny Chao Garden
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Hey! This is my first time i've used this site, and guess what! It rocks!!

I made a game just for all you guys who gave out Tiny Chao Garden sprites here!!

Click that!

I'm using this site more often guys, thanks a ton!

And play away! Smile Big Grin Smile
you probably could have just asked a mod to move your original topic instead of starting 2 new ones in different areas much work... (to late anyways)

Screenshot please.
Really wasn't necessary to make three of the same topics for shit nobody would care about.
(06-19-2009, 03:34 PM)Zee Wrote: [ -> ]Sigh.

Screenshot please.

dont worry, nothing to be impressed about. its a bad emulation of the chao garden from Sonic Adfvace and the rest are a bunch of flash games.
Well, I like to give people the benefit of a doubt when it comes to indie developers. Seeing as I aim to run a blog and forum for such things, but I'm just waiting to find an indie dev that doesn't use copyright materials and I can get ahold of for an interview.
@Moz...idk, forums, especially big ones like this are good for advertisement for games...

(Besides, this one is actually pretty good, haven't seen a better remake of the Tiny Chao Garden on the computer in my life)

EDIT: i'll put screenshots Big Grin

hold on..


[Image: CS-Sonic1.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic2.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic3.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic4.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic5.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic6.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic7.bmp]
[Image: CS-Sonic8.bmp]
Dear god. I know its not that hard to make decent menus in Flash.
Its not flash..its Game Maker 7