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I was looking over an old competition and found a little gnomish guy, real itty bitty. So I figure, what the balls, I'll actually sprite something again.

[Image: workingminis.png]

[Image: workingminis2.png]

It IS an edit, but considering the size and changes I've made, it's a pretty good one. The first frame in the lop left corner and the one below it were the two base images edited. Everything else is based off of those two images, & I'm not sure where this falls as a normal edit or a heavy one, given that I made up the rest of the frames of an animation from a still image. But really, that's up to you guys to decide, this was fun and maybe a little bit of a toe into the waters of spriting again.

Really, I'm open to crits, and I probably need them. Most of all I'm curious if I should drop the lightest shade of green or leave it in there. I know it's a small piece and doesn't benefit from lots of colors, but I'm on the fence with that lightest green.

And yeah, if I should continue or not. Lay it on me tSR, it's been a while.

Edit : Added bigger image, and... wow, that seems pretty suck for contrast. If anybody got suggestions to help with the color setup, I'd love some help.
maybe this will help[Image: palf.png]
Yuck, that leaves the hair way too bright, and the green shades don't mesh at all. I'm not even going to post the conversion, that's a definite step backwards.

Though having slept on it and looking at it again, the colors aren't so bad, I might play with some saturation a bit.
Change the outline color to show light hitting him. I like it, it is very readable. The colors are not very pretty though.