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Full Version: Help! Running animation woes
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I'm working on a running animation for this dude [ [Image: armr2.png] ], and I just finished legs + body and was about to make the head and arms when I thought to check how I was doing. I dunno, but something struck me wrong, and I can't figure out how to fix it! The running just doesn't look real, it's too dwarf-ish and... I don't know! But it's wrong, and if anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.

Noted again, the problem is not the lack of head + arms. Watch the feet and torso.

[Image: armr_21089_21169.gif]

make it look like he's actually pushing himself up instead of just flailing his legs around while suspended by something at the top of his torso

cut down on the frames, you've got way too many right now
he looks like he's waddling as opposed to running, im not even sure how you got that effect
In reality, once you add arms I think it could be alright if actually positioned correctly - look at Megaman 7 for an example of how it could work out.
The amount of frames looks fine, but the body doesn't look like there's any inertia at all. Make the body drop down a frame when he lands his feet.

Also, it could stand to be sped up. Not too much though.
Yeah, it needs height changes. Having the body crouch slightly when pushing off with one foot would show a sense of muscle tension.
You know what's wrong? The body should be animating in reverse. When the left leg is going forward, the body should be turning right and vice versa
Also, in a suit of armor, your legs aren't flexible or strong enough to make big strides like that, make it a little slower and smaller strides, because it isnt realistic.
unless it is suposed to run really, really fast or in panic.

also, if the reference and the animation are at the same scale, the legs are way longer than they are suposed to be.
I think it's pretty good.

The torso rotation is going the right way.

Actually, I think it's really good, but let's wait for the arms and head.