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i'll be posting everything I made for TSR on this thread, as some sort of gallery. I think its better to have everything in one single thread for future references/showcasing

<<But The World Refused To Die>>
For the last weeks i have been changing my avatar in deviantART using its limitations(15kbs, 50x50, 4 colors) at least once in a week, as a way to keep me practicing, and somehow use it to reflect my own life thru that week.
its been quite a challenge to get new stuff every week, but it has been quite rewarding too, in both getting people hooked to see what i'll post each week, and also as a way to improve myself under these conditions.
in chronological order:
[Image: bulletsmallda.gif] [Image: bulletsmalldarednose.gif] [Image: shotgunsmallda.gif] [Image: pedobearmetaru.gif] [Image: feotaru.gif] [Image: metarumanda.gif] [Image: pequetaru.gif] [Image: masslongcatstaru.gif] [Image: metalmanmetaru.gif] [Image: metarius.gif]
[Image: reducciontaru1.gif] [Image: gameboytaru.gif] [Image: shmuptaru.gif] [Image: lucecitasssssssss.gif] [Image: meseizureinducertaru2.gif] [Image: rescuetaru.gif] [Image: rescuetaru2.gif][Image: 2i73dcn.gif][Image: rescuetaru4.gif]

some were discarded, others were used for more than 1 week... not like its a must or something....
i'll update this thread as well as i make them.

<<Challenge Stuff>>
[Image: raep.png][Image: sophiamk3.png][Image: gangster.png]
[Image: grysvok1887.png] [Image: doodleintbase2.png] [Image: elk.gif]

[Image: spriterdexasdasd.gif] [Image: shinningforceaaasdf.png] [Image: omegafire.png]

[Image: nightvision.png] [Image: temjinsmwstyle.png]
[Image: pyrotaru.gif][Image: pyrotarufemale.gif]
[Image: sparkster.png]
[Image: 143nacn.gif]
Neat. First one of the second row is my favorite.
Loving the third-last one. SORRY, YOUR PRINCESS IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE. Heart
All of them are really awesome.
I love the one with the cats.
1st and 3rd one in second row.
And the one you're using now.

Good job.
This is an awesome idea.
[Image: sparkster.png]
Honoring the announcement of an "upcoming" new sparkster game(according to the last E3 Report)
Hey, there's that love you showed me. It's great Heart

Cool stuff, too.
pillow shading owns
about time someone noticed
You're just saying that because you're butthurt.
whos butthurt

i really dont care that grooveman locked my topic, im just .. joking around br0

also its supposed to look flat ;0
what´s the awesome mockup in the second picture of the <<love>> row?

*__* it´s awesome, if it was a part of a mockup contest, i wanna see the other entries ^^"