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(09-03-2009, 12:46 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-03-2009, 11:57 AM)DarkOverord Wrote: [ -> ]
[Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-cardbgs_icon.png]
Quickly updated this before I work on Utsuho's SFX. New Cirno Icon.
Somehow, I think that's still missing some. I don't see Utsuho's or Suwako's spell card BGs, for example.


Edit: Fixed. Sorry. I had a brain fart.
Who's sheetinf Sanae?
RTB's partway though I think.
(09-09-2009, 11:01 AM)Azu Wrote: [ -> ]Who's sheetinf Sanae?
(09-09-2009, 11:07 AM)DarkOverord Wrote: [ -> ]RTB's partway though I think.
Yep. I've got just the attacking animations left to include, so I should be done with the sheet sometime soon. Meiling ('s update) and Suwako are done already.
[Image: th12-3_touhou_hisoutensoku-utsuho_sfx_icon.png]
CAUTION Radioactive SFX within CAUTION
[Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-patchoulisfx_icon.png]
First to be updated is ol' Patchy. A bit, um, spread out, but nontheless all there.

EDIT: Gah, forgot to update the credit tag

EDIT2: There.
Dang, Patchouli has a lot of new effects in Hisoutensoku -- almost 2MB worth (since the old sheet was around 6MB). Very Sad
(09-16-2009, 04:16 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ]Dang, Patchouli has a lot of new effects in Hisoutensoku -- almost 2MB worth (since the old sheet was around 6MB). Very Sad
Yeah. I'm worried about other characters, who have a lot more.
[Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-ayasfx_icon.png][Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-komachisfx_icon.png][Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-sakuyasfx_icon.png]
I'm starting with the simple ones :B
[Image: scarlet_weather_rhapsody-reimusfx_icon.png]
Updated Reimu's sheet. Sorry for slowing down all of a sudden. HG/SS stole me <<
I'm probably going to sound awfully stupid, here

But majhost doesn't seem to exist any longer. Are there plans to relocate the collections to another host?
(11-28-2009, 04:28 AM)Sableneko Wrote: [ -> ]I'm probably going to sound awfully stupid, here

But majhost doesn't seem to exist any longer. Are there plans to relocate the collections to another host?
Well, all of the sheets that were here have been uploaded to tSR already, so you can view them there.
(11-28-2009, 04:28 AM)Sableneko Wrote: [ -> ]I'm probably going to sound awfully stupid, here

But majhost doesn't seem to exist any longer. Are there plans to relocate the collections to another host?
Hopefully Maj will come back. But yes, as stated, go to tSR, PC > T > Touhou Hisouten and Hisoutensoku

Sorry I've not updated the topic in yonks, I'm back at university you see ^^;
Glad to know you haven't vanished off of the face of the planet, DarkOverord. Smile
Hey, DarkOverord,

I'm doing a Touhou RPG in Flash CS4 (Touhou: Chronicles in Gensokyo). There are a few reasons why I might not finish it till next year, but I'm going to post the reasons that I was planning to ask help from you with.

Need sprite's of all characters. (I'm using the Fighting Game sprites, *SWR*, but I need all the characters, from PC98 to 12.5)
Overworld Sprites of each character, I found a site with some on it, but not all of them.

If you can help me out, Ill list you in the credits as a contributor, ontop of that, all contributors get a special password to use ingame, but what it does is s-e-c-r-e-t Smile
(Even Aya Shameimaru can't find out!)

PS, I converted a youtube video into a .flv format and got it in the flash game (for opening animation, Im using Defiant of Shrine Maiden opening), but I can't seem to edit the timeline of it. Any protips would be appreciated.

I also need someone who can help me make a system for leveling up and stuff... I dunno, my brain stopped working at this point... It's the system for leveling up that determines HP/Danmaku/Stat growth...

At times I may seem like Im having yall do all the work for me, that's only because... well... Im a novice in Flash. I know how to stop a frame and create buttons to advance to certain frames and all that, I even took a class on using Flash back in High School, but we used CS3 back then, and the version I'm using now is CS4, so some things are different. Also, that class was back in '08 in May, and it's now Dec. '09...

If I think of anything else, I'll come back to post it, if you cant help with it, please tell me of any users you can think of who can help.

EDIT: I should probably give you my email...
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