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Full Version: random spriting stuff post here
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i agree with hibbosprite n hibbokid
edited sprites r fun

(well i lyke doin em neway)
[Image: 29kynu1.png]
original sprite made by shadow edited by me all credit for origianl sprite to shadow
ps: nice edit hibbokid XP
(05-22-2009, 04:57 AM)hibbosprite Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 29kynu1.png]
original sprite made by shadow edited by me all credit for origianl sprite to shadow

nice sprite edit hibbosprite
Get out.

EDIT: No, really. This is stupid. You're just posting recolors. And for no fucking reason.

Oh my god what.
well obviuosly its random sprite stuff get it random recoloring is random and fun
well heres my first scartch its ment to be link [Image: 11v38dy.png]
id like to see one of you bastards thats complaining making a good sprite from scratch and post it on here.(that doesnt include sketchw and otj because they are being fair and not moaning)
How has this not been locked yet?

Oh, also, smart-ass,
were you one of the ones moaning? no so i didnt mean you and that link doesnt have any sprites on it so theresmartass
oh my bad there was sprites i thought the gallery was other members
¬¬" HIBBOsprite... HIBBOkid... ¬¬" No... 2 accounts...
hmm... Well >>
It isn't like Tyvon sprites but they are better than yours ¬¬"
We get the point.
Now quit the trolling.
...I'm just going to lock this now. Hibbo... Whatever, if you want to moan about something, send me a PM and I'll give you something to moan about.
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