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So.. Liked it? =D
Or it's a shit .-. ?
Can do more ^^
Nono, it's great, I like it. =D
Thanks, hope to see more people making sprites ^^
Seeing that Heinze has been working hard, so I decided to get some more done also
I need a picture of the orange vested girl's shoes

Grooveman, do you like them so far?, any tips?

[Image: bluel.png]
Is this Ruby ? .-.
Uses red and that stuff... Looks like May... Is that Ruby so?
Hair on the side need to be a tad longer, but other than that, great work.
That Sapphire is pretty good, although there's something about both sprites that seems a little... flat, especially the hair.

Although we're using Disgaea-sized sprites, the shading style isn't the same. You can afford to add more detail.
Hey I want to make someone
who else is there to make
Rags: Which one , which side?

Groove: Hair is not my strongest point in spriting, so I will work hard to make it better.

Rakia: On the first post I think there is one more char

P.S. Groove, when is more char art released?
(04-26-2009, 04:39 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]Hey I want to make someone
who else is there to make

Considering this is kind of a trial to see if the staff want to take you on, any of the existing confirmed characters with the exception of Gold (HE'S MINE, BITCH although you can help neaten him up if you want).

There are obviously more characters, but they've not been released to the public yet (we don't want to pull a Smash Bros. Brawl).

So far the confirmed characters are:

And only Gold, Green, and Blue have full character art released (So you can actually see what their legs and shoes look like).

Thanks again for your co-operation everyone! You've all been really helpful and patient. Heart
I thank you for calling her Platina.

That is all.
Worked out some stuff
[Image: bluea.png]

So, although I'm suffering from some confidence issues about how my spriting is going, the staff organiser Lunaris would REALLY like to talk with you guys!

This mainly goes out to you awesome bros who've submitted sprites, but even any other people who want to contribute can participate. Tell me here or via PM that you're interested, and if it's cool with both me and Lunaris, I'll give you his MSN address.

Under those circumstances you can get info on joining the project, and maybe even project information we've not released yet. Cute
Please be aware that I'm not just handing out his msn to everyone - that would be silly. Convince me~ =D
Update ^^

[Image: thingfordefinitivo.png]
Lookinging good, I think the hair should come out more in the front
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