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Nice - if I remember, most Ultima games are easy to tile rip if you fancy giving the SNES games a go - but those games were UUUUUGLY on the SNES.
Loved this game though, had it when I was a kid.
Ooh, Ultima. I actually considered ripping Ultima VI on SNES, but as Dazz said, it's very ugly.
Sure. I'll see what I can do later. And one of my friends had this version when we were kids too. They even had a strategy guide that had 1) a comic summarizing the backstory of this game, 2) maps of all the towns and dungeons, and 3) information on the monsters.
awesome Smile
TSR needs more 8-bit rips
Well, the way I figure. I grew up on the NES (hell, by the time I got an SNES it was already the days of the PS1 and Saturn). And since some of our ripping regulars are very experienced in some of the more advanced tools (no way I would EVER have been able to get the Prinny Can I Really be the Hero sprites), and I've used plenty of sprites from this site for fan projects that have stayed only on my PC. I figured, I can return to the community, even if its NES/Famicom or even random Game Boy, it'll either allow the big name members to concentrate on their projects, or maybe inspire other members to look at ripping from the older games.

Ugly sprites may be ugly sprites. But that won't stop me from ripping them. Right now, ripping from the SNES classic (that was a joke) Dream TV AND what's known as the Beta B version the playable characters (completed it once on emulator. Damn that was pain.), the second beta has a character select that the full release does not have. Also, been a while since I looked at the Zombies Ate My Neighbors sprites on this site, but there is a beta for the game where the girl has a different dieing animation than from the released version. But I'll think about that one after the Dream TV and Ultima sprites.
Nice work,the sprites is cute xP
Thank you. Which sprites in particular?
[Image: Section-SNES-DreamTV.png]
[Image: DreamTV-Playables_Icon.png]
[Image: DreamTV-Playables.png]
[Image: DreamTV-BBetaPlayers_Icon.png]
[Image: DreamTV-BBetaPlayers.png]

OK. Got them back. OK. Going to have to finish Dash Galaxy eventually (hey! how can you submit the background stuff and not even have the title character himself? that's like having Super Mario submissions without a single Mario, or Metroid without a single Metroid, or The Legend of Zelda without Zelda) and want to try another NES game, Arkista's Ring (on another site, was part of a screenshotting contest and got that game to take screenshots of) and will see about Ultima (thinking of seeing if Runes of Virtue II would be possible, but will shoot for which one, #6? for SNES)
Awesome! And give any of them a try, they all look practically the same.
Something completely different, but something that was bugging me for a while. The Namco valkyrie from Valkyrie Densetsu!
[Image: ValkyrieNoDensetsu-Valkyrie_Icon.png]
[Image: ValkyrieNoDensetsu-Valkyrie.png]

I'd like to say no valkyries were hurt in the making of this sheet. But sadly, that would make me a liar. Had to make sure the "on fire" colors were correct. And... like most arcade games, was designed to kill you repeatedly. Many brave valkyries lost their lives for this sheet's sake. Cry

Too bad Namco's keeping her as a cameo/guest character. Would like to see a sequal to this (and I am aware of the PS1 remake of the NES game) either on a handheld or console.

Man, if THIS isn't a shout to myself to rip Dash Galaxy from Dash Galaxy like five minutes ago, then I don't know what is? Ha ha. How can you have sprites from of everything but the title character? Ha ha. And in unrelated news, a romhacker's site I visit from time to time since an unrelated site mentioned a Burger Time hack the hacker made based on a video the unrelated site made. This romhacking site is making a graphics hack for Ultima Runes of Virtue for Game Boy. Changing the characters to characters from the Touhou games.
Awesome job! This has been needing a rip since forever if you ask me! Big Grin
One Valkyrie game finally got its title character. Why not her first game?
[Image: Section-NES-ValkyrieNoBouken.png]
[Image: ValkyrieNoBouken-Valkyrie_Icon.png]
P.S. Speaking of things turning to suck... does Photobucket really need to have the damn quick links be a pop-up (not a new window pop-up)? Half the time I end up activating the wrong damn picture's links by hovering my mouse over the picture below it [despite being in the copy links area of the picture I wanted in the first place], and half the time it doesn't switch to a different picture, it never copies the new link, so I end up double posting an image.
[Image: ValkyrieNoBouken-Valkyrie.png]

And I finally got Dash Galaxy.
Here's a PNG icon.
[Image: DashGalaxy-DashGalaxy_Icon.png]

And... if the stupid GIF preview was browser applicable (unless Firefox is trying to become a forgotten browser by turning to suck...) then THIS should have animated faster.
[Image: DashGalaxy-DashGalaxy_Icon-1.gif]
[Image: DashGalaxy-DashGalaxy.png]

I don't know why, but the people who made this game decided that the colors should cycle between a few palletes for reasons I can't fathom. And either my Vista hates Firefox, or Firefox is trying to steal IE's title of worst browser. Because if Firefox freaking crashes one more time within the next three days, I'm going Higurashi on someone.
Sorry, but I don't think this is really animated gif worthy.
By the way - is the character's name Dash Galaxy? Or...
Yeah, that's his name. The cover of the game was supposed to make one think Buck Rogers. Plus as I said earlier, the game was called Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum.

And don't worry about the animated GIF. That's why I posted the PNG as well. Now if the stupid thing animated faster... oh well, I just need to go over my shots for Arkista's Ring, because that's my next few sheets.
A small one. Played this until the ending. Thank goodness for cheat codes. This game is brutal (in the difficulty way), but nice. My younger cousin was playing this yesterday. He had fun, and when he completed stage 31, I loaded a save state for the ending (you need to more or less complete the game 4 times before they show the ending). Here's the section icon for Arkista's Ring.

[Image: Section-NES-ArkistaRing.png]
[Image: ArkistaRing-Christine_Icon.png]
[Image: ArkistaRing-Christine.png]
Here's a small sheet of the heroine of Arkista's Ring with portrait from the character sheet you can see by pressing select in between levels.
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