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I don't rip much these days, but noticed a severe lack of pre-NES era sprites on tSR.

[Image: adventure_tag.png] [Image: riverraid_tag.png]

Possibly more coming soon.
Adventure was the greatest game made, ever... I love you.
I love you, I love those ducks, and I love that light weight bridge you can pick up.
I discovered Chuck Norris Superkicks, ripping ensued:
[Image: chucknorris_tag.png]

And a couple more:
[Image: dk-tag.png] [Image: joust-tag.png]
So Chuck Norris can do the Royal Rainbow when he respawns?


Yeah, that game isn't very good. I was contemplating ripping from this system for a while now. Glad to see I'm not the only one with that same idea.
mm, cool that you're doing pre-NES stuff. Although I'm not sure what they could be useful for.
Hell, I love 'em for the memories!
These are great Heart!!
SmithyGCN Wrote:So Chuck Norris can do the Royal Rainbow when he respawns?


Yeah, that game isn't very good. I was contemplating ripping from this system for a while now. Glad to see I'm not the only one with that same idea.
I also had this idea Big Grin
I ripped some sheets and I will submit them soon Tongue
Great sprites Zeph