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Full Version: AssetStudio not exporting mesh
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Hi!  I'm trying to extract models/armatures/animations/textures from the game Dragonheir: Silent Gods.  I can load the assets in AssetStudio just fine, and I can preview the meshes and textures with no problem.  When I attempt to export Animator + selected AnimationClips, AssetStudio exports the armature and animation but fails to export the mesh or textures.  I can import the result into Blender and see the armature moving with the animation, but I can't seem to get the meshes to export in this manner.

I've also tried to export by selecting the mesh in the Scene Hierarchy, selecting the "idle" animation in the Asset List and using Model-->export selected objects (merge) + selected AnimationClips, but this fails to export even the armature. 

The meshes and textures are definitely there.  I can see them in AssetStudio's preview window.  I can also select the individual meshes and export them by Export-->Selected assets, but that exports the meshes as .OBJ files, which means the vertex groups are lost and the armatures and animations are useless.
I've never had this problem with AssetStudio before.  Any insights in what's going wrong?
new version problem maybe?