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Full Version: Are the maps from Xenoblade already ripped?
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Hi everyone, its pretty much as the title says really. I was looking to use one of the maps from Xenoblade (Gaur plains or Makana forest) as a environment for a graphics project I'm working on. I had a look on the Model Resources page for both definitive edition and the wii version however only the character models are up, I figure if someone has ripped the characters its not unlikely that the maps haven't been ripped too (and maybe because of file size or something, just never uploaded, idk). But yeah, does anyone know if there available anywhere?

Maps might be the second-hardest thing to rip (from the Wii version at least) because of the LOD models. Basically, all the basic Wii ripping tools get only get at the "bedrock" of the map - all of the extra stuff that fades out or disappears at a distance or when occluded, like the buildings in Colony 9 or the catwalks across Mechonis, I don't think anyone has been able to find. And when I say "find", I mean "we don't even know if the extract-files-from-the-game process is getting them or not".

In addition to this, the maps themselves are rather complicated. Many parts of the models I've looked at have multiple layers of texture and vertex colour, which are difficult to extract correctly (especially alpha vertex colour).

I dunno how the maps in DE compare. I know there's better tools because of XC2, but I haven't looked into it.