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Full Version: Compressed RAW ADPCM files problem (PlayStation 2)
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Hello and good time of day.
Okay, well, I have a trouble ripping music from Scooby-Doo! Unmasked game, PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions.
The thing is that music reads up with PSound and MF Audio just perfectly except one little thing: past half second repeats  every second, like, back and forth.

The original files were in .INT format, which I belive is some type of archive. As I mentioned, PSound and MF Audio did their job right, exctracting RAW PCM from .INT file, but I can't get audio from .INT in the GameCube verison, due to lack of tools that can rip GameCube audio files from other files.

So, I am not quite sure why this happens and how to fix those files. I hope someone can shed light on how to solve this problem.
I don't think .int files are audio files, I think they are a type of graphics file but I'm not 100% sure. I think the audio files in this game  are .dsp files, if on Gamecube and .str if on PS2, going by known file formats for the systems. I have heard VGSC works on opening these files, but for some reason, it's not working for me, but I only tested the Gamecube version, so I don't know about the PS2 version. Sorry about not having any direct answers, but this is all the information I have right now, and I haven't found any other clues to solve this mystery.  Sad
That's not bad. Any new information will be helpful. Thank you for your assistance!

I know that some programs use .INT format for storing graphics, but here we have the archive type of file, I'm sure of it.

Sorry, forgot to add link to the files:
There's that .INT file (from PS2 version of the game) together with WAV file (originaly Compressed RAW ADPCM) extracted from it.

I still looking for a way to fix that distortion in extracted audio (that every-second repetition). Tried to fix that manually through Audacity, but that just a hell of painstaking work.
Forgot to say: I solved the problem. Ripped music from the Xbox version.