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My own name ..... GT, the surnames initials
Zero's a pseudonym I've always just kinda liked, and have used it often in one form or another since middle school.

Kirby's my actual name.

So my name actually has nothing to do with either Mega Man or Kirby.
that's quite a tomato surprise there, ZK
I thought I was being funny.
Back when the Bomberman Jetters anime was my life like 7 years ago, my favorite character was and still is Mighty, and of course Jetters is the name of the police force group he (used to) lead. I got inspiration from other people using [character name from the anime]Jetters, so I decided to do the same since I hadn't seen Mighty Jetters done.

I have been wanting to change it but I'm extremely picky when it comes to "permanent" names.

Also important thing to note; despite it being part of my name, do not call me Jetters

Favorite Letter = Q
Favorite Number = 64
Favorite Game Series = Kirby

Q + 64 + Kirby = Quirby64

Original name making skills here at it's finest, folks.
well, my username is pretty obvious, so I didn't need to tell the meaning. Long ago, I had really long name, but it make little difficult for others to mention it themselves, so I make it short and this is a result.

Also, this is related to my life history when it comes to gaming stuff.
I like LoZ. I randomly came up with 3 names: Kakariko Kid, Kokiri Kid, and Mr. Boom Bass Stick (okay, so that's not LoZ, but a reference to Shaggy's song). I let a moderator over at VGFacts choose.
I have a chronic arthritic pain in my back, neck, shoulders and ribs that limits mobility on my best days and totally incapacitates me on the worst days. Hence; Stiff

The very first movie I can remember watching as a kid was The Exorcist. I had a fucked up babysitter, and I continued asking her to watch horror movies and she eventually showed me George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead. I've had a morbid infatuation with zombies and the like ever since. Hence; Corpse.

The combination with the joining words "as" and "a" results in a deliciously disgusting innuendo and multiple entendre that aptly represents my personality.

My actual name is James(or Jamie) and some of my friends decided to call me Jam because they wanted to shorten it for some unexplainable reason. I just went with it and decided to make my username Mr. Jam.

It sounds much better than my old username, EpicEbilninja. I stole the word Ebil from Zorbak after playing too much adventure quest when I was younger. I needed to make a 'cool' name so I crammed a ninja in there. The epic was added in because somebody else already had EbilNinja on another site.
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