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Full Version: League of Legends (Solved)
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I have found the files but can not convert the models sorry. Sad
(12-02-2016, 03:46 PM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]I have found the files but can not convert the models sorry. Sad

That's okay, thank you for trying ^^ 

Hopefully someone else will be able to help
(12-03-2016, 02:33 AM)KZ_3D Wrote: [ -> ]Did you try the 3D Object Converter v6.420 to open your League of Legends model?

No, I could only find a download for Mac. I am using a PC. 
I have the model files, If you have the object converter I could send them to you?
I wasn't able to get that to work :c
here are the models files if anyone wants to try and figure out whats wrong with them
Oh my goodness!!! It worked!!!
(take a look)
[Image: crazed_laughter_by_lenaloid-daqm2sd.png]

Are you able to do this also with water elementalist lux?? aaaaa
thats the only one left!
(12-04-2016, 06:52 AM)KZ_3D Wrote: [ -> ]I can do it.

You must add the correct texture file to the 3rd material called Water_FX_Mat !

[Image: capture_by_lenaloid-daqm67w.png]
I got the model to work! I didn't add the water effect since it made the mesh look sorta odd.
But its working! Thank you sooooooooo much!  Cute Cry Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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