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How do you even obtain these .msh models, anyway? Because I wanna contribute!
(12-10-2019, 08:08 PM)MovieMaker-X Wrote: [ -> ]How do you even obtain these .msh models, anyway? Because I wanna contribute!

No idea, but I also do want to contribute, sadly some models won't import correctly with TGE's importer, and I have no idea on how to make something similar that'd work with the rest  Sad
(12-25-2019, 12:47 AM)Luiluix Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-10-2019, 08:08 PM)MovieMaker-X Wrote: [ -> ]How do you even obtain these .msh models, anyway? Because I wanna contribute!

No idea, but I also do want to contribute, sadly some models won't import correctly with TGE's importer, and I have no idea on how to make something similar that'd work with the rest  Sad

Update: I have got the game files with me now. Is it possible to make an .msh importer for Blender? Just wondering so I can try and contribute! (I have barely any knowledge with Python, so I apologize) Thanks again~
(12-26-2015, 03:43 PM)TGE Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, I guess the script works for those files too
-- 3ds max maxscript
-- My Om Nom .msh importer
-- By TGE, contact me in case there's any issues ;p

fn ReadUShort fstream =
    return (ReadShort fstream #unsigned)

fn ReadULong fstream =
    return (ReadLong fstream #unsigned)

fn ReadUByte fstream =
    return (ReadByte fstream #unsigned)

fn ReadVector2 fstream =
    return [(ReadFloat fstream), ((ReadFloat fstream) * -1)+1, 0]

fn ReadVector3 fstream =
    return [(ReadFloat fstream), (ReadFloat fstream), (ReadFloat fstream)]

fn GetOpenFile =
    local fname = getOpenFileName \
    caption:"Open Model" \
    types:"My Om Nom Model (*.msh)|*.msh" \
    historyCategory:"MYOMNOM Object Presets"
    if (fname == undefined) then
        return undefined
        local f = fopen fname "rb"
        return f

fn ReadArrayInfo fstream =
    struct ArrayInfoStruct
    local a = ArrayInfoStruct()
    a.type = ReadUShort fstream
    fseek fstream 0x5 #seek_cur
    a.elementCount = ReadULong fstream
    a.arrayLength = ReadULong fstream
    return a

positionArray = #()
texCoordArray = #()
normalArray = #()
faceArray = #()

file = GetOpenFile()

if (file != undefined) then
    info = ReadArrayInfo file
    for i = 1 to info.elementCount do
        positionArray[i] = ReadVector3 file

    info = ReadArrayInfo file
    for i = 1 to info.elementCount do
        texCoordArray[i] = ReadVector2 file

    info = ReadArrayInfo file
    for i = 1 to info.elementCount do
        normalArray[i] = ReadVector3 file

    info = ReadArrayInfo file
    fseek file info.arrayLength #seek_cur

    info = ReadArrayInfo file
    fseek file info.arrayLength #seek_cur

    subMeshCount = ReadUShort file
    fseek file 0x01 #seek_cur

    for i = 1 to subMeshCount do
        info = ReadArrayInfo file
        for j = 1 to (info.elementCount / 3) do
            faces = [(ReadUShort file) + 1, (ReadUShort file) + 1, (ReadUShort file) + 1]
            append faceArray [faces[3], faces[2], faces[1]]
        fseek file 0x07 #seek_cur

    msh = mesh vertices:positionArray faces:faceArray
    msh.numTVerts = positionArray.count
    buildTVFaces msh
    for j = 1 to texCoordArray.count do setTVert msh j texCoordArray[j]
    for j = 1 to faceArray.count do setTVFace msh j faceArray[j]
    for j = 1 to msh.numfaces do setFaceSmoothGroup msh j 1
    max modify mode
    select msh
    addmodifier msh (Edit_Normals ()) ui:off
    msh.Edit_Normals.MakeExplicit selection:#{1..normalArray.count}
    EN_convertVS = msh.Edit_Normals.ConvertVertexSelection
    EN_setNormal = msh.Edit_Normals.SetNormal
    normID = #{}

    for v = 1 to normalArray.count do(
        free normID
        EN_convertVS #{v} &normID
        for id in normID do EN_setNormal id normalArray[v]
    maxOps.CollapseNodeTo msh 1 true -- Collapse the Edit Normals modifier

Can you make a msh converter for blender too please.
There's models from an animation which is considered lost media in the game.
Hey! I used the Apple .ipa version available from the Internet Archive - just search it up. I used version 1.1.8. More details are in here.
yeah .ipa has all of the models inside of rooms/mainroom
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