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Full Version: Ripping sound effects from Crash Twinsanity?
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Can anyone rip sounds from Crash Twinsanity? I wanted to use some sounds like when N gin gets angry at you in his ship, The Tnt/Nitro Explosion, and the sounds when you hit an enemy (The slap sound) if anyone can help me with this I would be very happy
This is a request, man. You really should be careful about that and read the rules.

Now, if you want to learn how to do it yourself, I'm sure someone would be willing to give you pointers.
(09-26-2015, 03:40 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: [ -> ]This is a request, man.  You really should be careful about that and read the rules.

Now, if you want to learn how to do it yourself, I'm sure someone would be willing to give you pointers.

How can I remove this post Tongue

A mod will be around to lock it.
(09-26-2015, 03:57 PM)Skyla Doragono Wrote: [ -> ]...really?

A mod will be around to lock it.

Sorry, I usually never make threads