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Full Version: Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness - Backgrounds
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Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness
[Image: qfg4ico.png]

[Image: qfg4castleico.png]
[Image: qfg4castle.png]

[Image: qfg4caveico.png]
[Image: qfg4cave.png]

[Image: qfg4forestico.png]
[Image: qfg4forest.png]

Intro / Other:
[Image: qfg4introotherico.png]
[Image: qfg4introother.png]

[Image: qfg4townico.png]
[Image: qfg4town.png]
Would these happen to be your old Sierra game submissions, or are they new ones?
If they are the former, then thank you so much for arranging them, as we honestly were trying to figure out how to do them and couldn't. Sick
If not then we'll get these up soon either way. We immensely appreciate the icons, too. Big Grin
they are arranged now! and split up! (This is only one series of the many from before)