Yes. It's a half-hour long. Watch it.
This man has been rated #1 worst criminal in the world, and yet, hardly anyone even knows his name. For almost 26 years, he's been abducting children in Uganda and forcing them to kill their parents, not because he hates people, but simply because he wants to keep his own power. Neither the US nor the UN will act unless this gets known, simply because they care more about their own self-interests. Even sharing this video is adequate to get this information out there. This must be heard.
I'm usually the last one to bring up info like this, but this is really important. Information is power, and we are powerless if no one knows about this. Sharing the video takes ten seconds. Show it to as many people as you can, because if you won't act on it, there is someone out there that will.
The organisation itself behind the video is fake. The video (for the most part) isn't, although, it does exaggerate some things.
I'll admit I jumped on the bandwagon and posted this around but... this is my problem with it:
Basically, support for Invisible Children probably isn't the best way of stopping this. Awareness about Joseph Kony is good, but we should think twice before support KONY 2012.
A site that takes information and puts it in bad light? That's new.
Seriously, research stuff properly if you want to get an opposing opinion on something.
Welcome to the world of political spin.
Definitely read into some of the counter arguments to this organization. In short, they are over-exaggerating the impact this one man has (he's definitely a bad dude and he needs to be stopped but they are really blowing it out of proportion). They are a shady, at best, charity organization that uses nearly 70% of the money they take in for themselves and their video productions. There have been various complaints filed against them from various organizations. And most importantly, they support an army that is just as bad, if not worse, than the man they are supposedly trying to stop. The list goes on and Tellis linked to a good reference if you want the other side of the story. It's amazing how this stuff blows up over night and that's largely in part due to the lack of research people do before blindly jumping on the bandwagon of what is a creatively spun but still factually inaccurate video and the organization that made it.
Amazing. The one time that I actually feel moved by a specific cause, it ends up being (for the most part), a fake. :V
Not like I was planning on donating, anyway. But wow.
It's not fake, not as a whole anyway. There is a real problem happening there and like I said, that guy is definitely bad. These are just the wrong people to get behind as they aren't exactly reputable.
(03-07-2012, 04:32 PM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]It's not fake, not as a whole anyway. There is a real problem happening there and like I said, that guy is definitely bad. These are just the wrong people to get behind as they aren't exactly reputable.
That's the (for the most part) part.
The problem is that a lot of people seem to be going along the route of supporting these guys, which isn't best for this kind of thing. As I said, I'm not usually the one to support this kind of stuff, but after seeing an overwhelming level of support for it from relatively knowledgeable people on Facebook last night, I figured that I'd take the time to post a link. If I had known that the organisation was a fraud beforehand, I probably wouldn't have posted a link about the cause to begin with.
(03-07-2012, 06:04 PM)Nyarlathotep Wrote: [ -> ]SUPPORT THE UGANDAN ARMY AGAINST THE REBELS- the e-donation campaign
I do suport the ugundam army.
(03-07-2012, 06:32 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]That's the (for the most part) part. 
The problem is that a lot of people seem to be going along the route of supporting these guys, which isn't best for this kind of thing. As I said, I'm not usually the one to support this kind of stuff, but after seeing an overwhelming level of support for it from relatively knowledgeable people on Facebook last night, I figured that I'd take the time to post a link. If I had known that the organisation was a fraud beforehand, I probably wouldn't have posted a link about the cause to begin with.
That's understandable. I haven't watched the video yet but from what I've heard, it's well made and pretty convincing. Combine that with the wave of people getting swept up by it and it's easy to get sucked in yourself, especially when a bunch of your friends already have.
(03-06-2012, 10:12 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]Turned out to be a fake. Damn.
Good thing I didn't waste my time watching it, then.
The video is actually good - it is worth a watch. It SHOULD raise awareness and inform you and it (mostly) does.
Just don't fund the guys behind it - simple as. I think people should treat this KONY movement as more of a "we know this dude sucks, and we want you to all know that too" but not a "and you should help by funding these dudes"
It's a case of KONY 2012 meaning more than that video or the people who started it - it needs to grow beyond that, or nothing will be done.
(03-08-2012, 02:13 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ] (03-06-2012, 10:12 PM)RétroX Wrote: [ -> ]Turned out to be a fake. Damn.
Good thing I didn't waste my time watching it, then.
The video is great, fake or not.
(03-07-2012, 08:56 PM)Meta Wrote: [ -> ] (03-07-2012, 06:04 PM)Nyarlathotep Wrote: [ -> ]SUPPORT THE UGANDAN ARMY AGAINST THE REBELS- the e-donation campaign
I do suport the ugundam army.
Pretty sure Uganda's Gundams look like this:
Except black.
Hm, you guys are saying it's good and I should watch it anyways. It's half an hour though, and from the comments in this thread it seems easy to deduce it's something I wouldn't enjoy, and I don't watch YouTube videos to not enjoy them.
Anyway, I just read the striked-out text, and I got the moral and point of the video. "puggsoy's awareness level has increased! 28 awareness gained!"