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Metaru, you're not a sprite mod anymore, you're a global mod and so is Gors. Gors has every right to lock a thread here even if you were still just a sprite mod. (If you were still just a sprite mod, Gors's choice would actually trump yours just fyi and since he made the choice first, you really shouldn't overstep him.)

Not that I agree with what happened in this thread in general, but seriously, anyone on staff can lock a thread anywhere.

Locking because of the dumb comments everyone made.
which are completely unfair to OP.
While I now realise that there are prerendered sprites, I thought it was fair to close it because this thread was literally going nowhere. OP ignoring C+Cs from others, people licking everyone's assholes and not wanting to improve AT ALL, which are the main reasons a lot of average topics get closed on tSR. And there was popular demand to close this anyway so I, at least, believe it was right to do it.

I am sorry for misunderstanding the point of the sprites, right, but this doesn't make this thread better than it is. If anything, OP should make another topic and start fresh, this time listening more to the others' critiques and not only seeking for buttlicks from apparent circlejerks.

but I'd personally stop caring about this.
The comments were unfair (on both ends, I've even mentioned that I don't agree with what happened) but the lock was just. Handling another mod's behavior is something you really don't need to do, by all means you can talk to them (prefferably in private) but you can't overstep them.

If you really think that they are doing a really bad thing and made the wrong call then tell me since I am really the only admin that deals with members and mods pooping about on the forums most of the time.
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