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So, I've been checking out this site all morning after my daughter decided to wake me up at 5 30 only to go back to sleep before six (not important). Anyway, I got here after looking for Earthworm Jim sprites. I noticed alot of EJ sprites all over the internet but they're too small for what I need. My question is (and blame the lack of sleep if I missed some post I should have saw) how do I make sprites? Like, how do I get started from the very beginning? What programs do I need? any tutorials to help me along the way? I've thought about making sprites before and now, cause of Jim, I really gotta! Think you guys can hellp me out?

(Look, if this post is one of a million or is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it wherever or delete it and just PM me some link I missed Smile No sense in me cluttering things up)
Unfortunately, yes Cry. I need him to be about 80 x 130 pixels (or around about) cause everything else gets all pixelated when I stretch him. Makes him look weird (unusable)

I think I should pay attention to POSTED file size... Lemme check him and see if I can use him
Yeah, this Jim will work. Big Grin! (could still use him for flash) but not to down whoever made it (cause it's really good work) but to be honest, I'd prefer classic Jim (EJ1 or 2) though. How do I start?