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best tv show

for those of you living under a rock: chem teacher gets lung cancer, and decides to make sure his family is provided for by doing what he does best: chemistry.

By chemistry I mean making methamphetamine with a former student.

And he makes the best meth and becomes famous throughout New Mexico as Heisenberg, the biggest meth producer/dealer in the area

which means drug lords and the DEA are after him

but he doesn't give a shit because he's dying

Bryan Cranston plays the main character

you should all watch it

new season started last Sunday

so let's discuss this crazy-ass series
catching up. i have 3 episodes left of season 3. pretty bad ass show.
I'll assume the last three eps?

Those episodes are batshit insane
No, the first three. we watched the last ten and then decided to catch up so we knew what was going on.

no im kidding yeah the last 3
just watched 11
god damn
I could have gone with or without the first half of the episode but the second half was superb. Can't wait for tonight's episode.
I just torrented the first season.
No expectations. Here we go.
this episode just built up to a batshit next episode, holy shit

I can't wait for next Sunday, hnggghhhhh