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Full Version: 8-Bit Cataquack (and maybe more...)
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This is just a quicky 8-bit sprite I attempted.

I like to make my sprites and then test the frames by putting them together on a game making program (literally called Game Maker) and actually controlling my new sprite. So I tested this out and it looked pretty cool...

[Image: mariocataquackcustom.png]

and an icon...
[Image: mariocataquackcustomico.png]

they look rather big for 8-bit sprites, plus i don't think they'd actually "work" (colours per tile restrictions and such)

that is actually viable, Chris

but the size is the main problem. Make it fit on multiple of 8 boxes.
i'd like to see how does that walk animation looks in movement.
I don't even think the walking animation would be good, tbh.